League of Legends patch 12.19 will introduce the new Syndra rework, buff multiple off-meta champions, nerf Master Yi & Rek’Sai, feature new Spirit Blossom 2022 skins, and more.
After the Durability update, most of the patches released on League of Legends were focused on balancing the pro games — first Summer Split and later Worlds. However, now that the Worlds patch is live, Riot Games can finally concentrate on the soloq.
Unlike the previous patches, where most of the time, Riot only buffed underwhelming and nerfed overpowered champions, the upcoming patch 12.19 will be different — bringing in some fun off-meta builds and champions.
League of Legends Lead Designer Riot Phroxzon has shared the upcoming patch 12.19 changes. And according to Riot, patch 12.19 will center around buffing the weaker champions.
“A few changes to Off-Meta builds as well as some changes to various languishing champions,” Riot Phroxzon said. “Mostly not trying to overhaul the practice environment, but addressing a few clearly weak champions and some that are outliers.”
Fizz, Ryze, Udyr, Ekko, Jinx, Sona, and Nasus will receive some buffs along with some off-meta builds like Blitzcrank jungle. Moreover, as patch 12.19 will focus on weaker champions, only two champions: Master Yi & Rek’Sai, who are causing havoc in the soloq, will get nerfs.
League of Legends patch 12.19 will also include the long-anticipated Syndra rework, where she now has a new passive that can enhance her abilities.
Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming League of Legends patch 12.19.
LoL Patch 12.19 Release Date
All the changes are currently on PBE for testing. And League of Legends patch 12.19 is scheduled to release on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.
LoL Patch 12.19 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
LoL Patch 12.19 Notes
Syndra Mini-Rework
Transcendent (P)
- Syndra collects up to 120 Splinters via damaging enemy champions and gaining levels. Splinters of Wrath enhance Syndra and her abilities.
- Syndra restores 20-215 (based on level 1-18) mana whenever she collects a Splinter from an enemy. She can gain Splinters via:
- Damaging an enemy champion with 2 Abilities within 4 seconds grants (1/2/3 at levels 1, 11, and 18) Splinters (8s CD per target)
- Leveling up grants Syndra 5 Splinters of Wrath
- Killing a Cannon minion grants 1 Splinters of Wrath
- At 120 Splinters, Syndra gains 15% Total AP
- Ability icons also change with the upgrade
Base Stats
- Base Health: 593 >>> 563
Dark Sphere (Q)
- Cooldown: 4s >>> 7s
- Mana Cost: 40/50/60/70/80 >>> 40/45/50/55/60
- Sphere Duration: 6s >>> 6.5s
- 40 Splinters of Wrath: Dark Sphere can store 2 charges (1s CD between casts)
Force of Will (W)
- Sphere Pickup Detection Radius: 400 >>> 450
- Now prevents non-Sphere units from dying for a brief period when picked up
- 60 Splinters of Wrath: Force of Will does an additional 15% (+1.5% per 100 AP) true damage.
Scatter the Weak (E)
- Magic Damage: 85-265 (+60% AP) >>> 75-235 (+55% AP)
- Scatter Angle: 34 degrees >>> 56 degrees
- Cooldown: 18-14s >>> 15s
- Stun Duration: 1.5s >>> 1.25s
- Reduced failure chances of close range E>Q combos
- 80 Splinters of Wrath: Scatter the Weak’s cone is increased (56 deg > 84 deg) and also slows enemies by 70% for 1.25s (applied after initial CC)
Unleashed Power (R)
- Grant Dark Sphere (Q) an additional 10/20/30 Ability Haste
- Damage Per Sphere: 90/140/190 (+20% AP) >>> 90/130/170 (+17% AP)
- 100 Splinters of Wrath: Executes champions below 15% max health
Champion Buffs
Here are all the champions getting buffs on patch 12.19:
- E AP ratio: 75% >>> 90%
Udyr (Top)
- Q2:
- Minimum damage to minions: 0 >>> 80-160
- W:
- Minion healing: 50% >>> 60%
- R:
- Damage to minions: 40/55/70/85% >>> 50/60/70/80%
- Q:
- AP ratio: 50% >>> 55%
- W:
- AP ratio: 60% >>> 70%
- Passive:
- AP ratio: 80% >>> 90%
- R:
- Damage: 150-450 (+150% AP) >>> 200-500 (+175% AP)
- Base AD: 57 >>> 59
- R:
- Base damage to primary target: 250/400/550 >>> 300/450/600
- Q:
- Base damage: 40/70/100/130/160 >>> 50/80/110/140/170
- E:
- Slow: 40% >>> 50%
- W:
- AS slow: 50% >>> 75% of the movespeed slow
- R:
- Tick rate: 1s >>> 0.5 seconds (same total damage)
- [R-Q] bonus attack range during Fury of the Sands: 25 >>> 50
Off-meta Champion Changes
Though Riot Phroxzon hasn’t revealed the off-meta champion changes, here are all the buffs & adjustments based on PBE:
- E – Judgement:
- Critical strike damage increased 58% >>> 75%
Kai’Sa (AP)
- Passive – Second Skin:
- Detonation AP ratio increased 5% >>> 6% missing HP per 100 AP
Blitzcrank (Jungle/Attack Speed)
- Base attack speed increased 0.625 >>> 0.65
- Attack speed ratio increased 0.625 >>> 0.7
- W – Overdrive:
- Attack speed increased from 30/38/46/54/62% >>> 40/53/66/79/92%
- Mana cost increased 75 >>> 85
- Now deals 1% max HP magic damage on-hit while active, increased by 60/90/120/150/180 against non-champions
- E – Power Fist:
- Mana cost increased 25 >>> 40
- Now scales with 25% AP and increased by 150% AD + 125% AP against non-champions
- [R-P] Static Field passive AP ratio increased 30% flat >>> 30/40/50%
Twitch (AP)
- Passive – Deadly Venom:
- AP ratio per stack per second increased 2.5% >>> 3%
- E – Contaminate:
- AP ratio per stack increased 33% >>> 35%
Tahm Kench (AP)
- Q – Tongue Lash:
- AP ratio increased 70% >>> 90%
- W – Abyssal Dive:
- AP ratio increased 100% >>> 125%
- Q – Burnout:
- Magic damage bAD ratio per second increased 20% >>> 30% (on-hit is still 25% of this value)
- E – Flame Breath:
- On-hit damage reduced 3.75% >>> 3.5% max HP
- [E-Dragon Form] base damage reduced 100-160 >>> 75-135 (based on level)
Rakan (AP)
- Passive – Fey Feathers:
- AP ratio increased 85% >>> 95%
- Q – Gleaming Quill:
- AP ratio increased 60% >>> 70%
Nunu and Willump (AP)
- R – Absolute Zero:
- Max AP ratio increased 250% >>> 300%
Malphite (AP)
- W – Thunderclap:
- Cone AP ratio increased 20% >>> 30%
- R – Unstoppable Force:
- AP ratio increased 80% >>> 90%
Champion Nerfs
Here are all the champions getting nerfs on patch 12.19:
Master Yi
- AD Growth: 2.5 >>> 2.2
- E – Wuju Style:
- True Damage Ratio: 35% bAD >>> 30% bAD
- Base AD: 64 >>> 61
Item Changes
Eclipse – Nerfed
- Lethality: 18 >>> 12
- AD: 55 >>> 60
VFX Update
Similar to previous VFX updates like Vel’Koz, Sona, and others, Janna is now also getting visual updates on patch 12.19.
League of Legends patch 12.19 will feature Spirit Blossom 2022 skins for Aphelios, Soraka, Syndra, Evelynn, Tristana, Yorick, Darius, Sett, Master Yi, and Master Yi Prestige Edition.
Spirit Blossom Aphelios

Spirit Blossom Darius

Spirit Blossom Evelynn

Spirit Blossom Master Yi

Prestige Spirit Blossom Master Yi

Spirit Blossom Sett

Spirit Blossom Soraka

Spirit Blossom Syndra

Spirit Blossom Tristana

Spirit Blossom Yorick