It has been a while since Soraka received a skin; with Spirit Blossom Soraka revealed, let’s look at everything you need to know about the skin.
The Spirit Blossom Event has been one of Riot’s most successful events. So it’s no surprise that Riot wanted to bring it back. With the trailer released on the official League of Legends youtube channel called “Wandering Spirits,” Riot has finally confirmed the event’s return. Along with the event, we will also get new Spirit Blossom skins.
The Spirit Blossom skin line is one of the most popular Riot has ever produced. The Spirit Blossom came with ten skins; this time, we expect a similar number of skins. The teaser trailer teased some of the new Spirit Blossom skins, and Soraka was one of them.
Soraka is a pretty strong champion right now, and with Worlds 2022 right around the corner, it is a perfect time for Soroka to receive a skin.
Riot officially revealed the Spirit Blossom Soraka skin a few moments ago. So let us take a good look at it.
Splash Art

Spirit Blossom Soraka will be an Epic skin; just like any other epic skin, it will cost 1350 RP.
Release Date
Spirit Blossom Soraka is currently out on PBE for testing. The skin will come out on League of Legends live servers on patch 12.19, which will release on Thursday, October 6, 2022.