Counter-Strike 2 Essential Smoke Lineups for Mirage: For Both T and CT Side

Mahir Faisal
By Mahir Faisal
9 Min Read
Credit: Valve

Mirage is a classic CS:GO map. If you want to learn the essential smoke lineups for the upgraded Mirage in CS2, you are in the right place.

The most anticipated update for the classic competitive shooter CS:GO is finally here. Counter-Strike 2 is currently available as a free update to CS:GO. The game was finally released on September 27, 2023.

Counter-Strike 2 takes advantage of the modern Source 2 engine and offers many exciting changes. Better lighting and environment rendering, responsive volumetric smoke, improved sound experience, sub-tick server, and many more changes are featured with the new CS 2 update.

Though CS2 is supposed to be the most significant technical leap forward in Counter-Strike’s history, the fundamentals of the multiplayer shooter remain the same. Almost all the maps have been transitioned to CS2. Some have been thoroughly reworked, while others are present only with visual upgrades.

Read More: Counter-Strike 2 Essential Smoke Lineups in Inferno: For Both T and CT Side

Mirage Smoke Lineups in Counter-Strike 2

Mirage is a timeless classic and probably the most played CS:GO map. In CS2, this popular map has only seen subtle changes like better visuals and environment rendering. Therefore, all the classic utility lineups in Mirage are still there. However, there is room for new creative smokes, as CS2 no longer has Skybox.

This guide will cover all the critical smokes you will need to play competitive Mirage in CS2, both for the CT and T sides.

Some smokes in this guide will require you to use the jump throw. If you don’t know what jump-throw is or how it works, we recommend you read this article beforehand.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side

Here, we will guide you through some essential T-side smokes. This will include the basic ones and the ones you will need to execute a site fully. So, let’s begin.

A-Site CT Smoke

This is a crucial smoke to block off CT’s vision while hitting the A-site. To do this smoke properly, come to this ledge just beside T-spawn.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site CT smoke

Line up yourself with these metal fences so that all the bars come into a single line.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site CT smoke

Now, look toward your right-side wall and find this slanted point. Aim at the bottom of the line.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site CT smoke

Jump throw, and you will perfectly block off CT.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site CT smoke

A-Stairs Smoke

Jump onto this ledge and line up with this pillar of the wall just outside the palace entrance.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site stairs smoke

Find this gap between the wall and the wooden bar. Aim at the lower part of the gap.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site stairs smoke

Simple left-click throw, and you will smoke off stairs easily.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site stairs smoke

A-site Jungle Smoke

This is another important smoke for A-site execution. To do this, you need to jump onto this ledge right outside of the A-site entrance and line up yourself in the middle of the two windows.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site Jungle Smoke

Now, look to the opposite side and find this extra part of the thick pillar. Find the middle part of the left-slanted side and aim just a little left so the smoke doesn’t bounce off the wall.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site Jungle Smoke

Just a left-click throw will give you perfect jungle smoke.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
A-site Jungle Smoke

Mid-Cross Smoke from T-Spawn

Jump onto this trash can in T-spawn.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Mid Cross Smoke from T-Spawn

Look above the red building and find this antenna. Aim at the right side corner of it.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Mid Cross Smoke from T-Spawn

Left-click throw. You can use this smoke to cross midway while being safe from window AWPer.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Mid-Cross Smoke from T-Spawn

Window Smoke from Mid

It is a very essential smoke to get early mid-dominance, especially against AWPers. To do this, go to this wall at midway.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from Mid

Aim where this antenna meets the white wall.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from Mid

Throw while you run. It will smoke from the sniper’s nest window.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from Mid

Window Smoke from T-Spawn

There is another way to smoke sniper nest windows from T-spawn. To do this, go to the trash can in T-spawn.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from T-Spawn

Look toward the opposite wall and find the door. Now, find the dark horizontal line from the upper part of the door. Now, take your crosshair to the right to the point where your aim is in the middle of the right side of the door casing, just like shown below.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from T-Spawn

Jump-throw. This smoke will bounce a couple of times but will land mid-window.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Window Smoke from T-Spawn

Connector Smoke from T-Spawn

You can also smoke the Connector from T-spawn. To do this, go to the same trash can at T-spawn.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Connector Smoke from T-Spawn

Look at the red carpet on the opposite wall. Look for this pattern on the carpet and aim for the one that is most right.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Connector Smoke from T-Spawn

Jump-throw and you will have connector smoke. You can combine this with precious window smoke to fast-rush B-short.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
Connector Smoke from T-Spawn

B-Short Smoke from Mid

Another important angle in mid is B-short. You will often want to smoke B-short while taking mid-control.

Go to mid and find this corner between the cart and boxes.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B-short Smoke from Mid

Aim at the top corner of this antenna.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B-short Smoke from Mid

A normal left-click throw will smoke off B-short.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B-short Smoke from Mid

B-Market Door Smoke from TV Room

Get yourself stuck in this corner, just outside the TV room.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B Door Smoke from Tv Room

Look at the tower windows. Aim between the spaces of the first and second windows from the right. You need to aim a slight bit above the window height.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B Door Smoke from Tv Room

You need to jump throw to smoke B door successfully.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B Door Smoke from Tv Room

B Kitchen Window Smoke

You can also smoke from the kitchen window in the same corner.

To do this, aim for the tower’s edge and put your crosshair at the top of the tower.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B Kitchen Window Smoke

Jump-throw and done.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for T-Side
B Kitchen Window Smoke

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side

Here are some important smoke lineups you can use on the Mirage CT-side.

A-Ramp Smoke from CT

You can block off the A-main entrance early with this lineup. To do this, go to this corner near the CT-spawn.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
A Ramp Smoke from CT

Look at the triple boxes. Find this dark spot and line up your crosshair on the thick border of the box.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
A Ramp Smoke from CT

Left-click throw. This will smoke off A ramp entry for T-side.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
A Ramp Smoke from CT

B-site Apartment Smoke

While rushing B-site, terrorists will stomp through apartments. You can use this lineup to smoke off apartments.

Go to this trash can just outside the kitchen door.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
B-site Apartment Smoke

Aim for this extra part of the green sheet covering the site.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
B-site Apartment Smoke

Simple left-click throw, and done.

CS2 Mirage Smoke Lineups for CT-Side
B-site Apartment Smoke

There you go! These are all the essential smokes you need to learn to dominate on Mirage. Don’t forget to perfect these lineups on practice servers before you queue. If you need help on how you can practice smokes on CS2, read this article.

Essential Smoke Lineups in other maps:

Nuke | Overpass | Ancient Inferno Anubis Vertigo

By Mahir Faisal FPS Writer
Mahir, an Electrical Engineering student currently working as an FPS writer at GameRiv, prefers to introduce himself as a video game enthusiast. Mostly keen on competitive FPS titles like VALORANT and CS: GO, he also enjoys exploring casual story games.