Zeri and Yuumi are getting some long-awaited nerfs in this patch
The Patch 13.12 preview for League of Legends is out; from the looks of it, it is coming with some massive changes.
First of all, we are getting a ton of balance changes in this patch. The champions and items that were severely affected by the recent Midseason update are getting some compensation buffs. For example, champions such as Viktor, Oriana, and Ryze are getting some much-needed love. Items like Immortal Shieldbow and Phantom Dancer are getting a buff as well.
In terms of nerfs coming in Patch 13.12, Kha’Zix and Gragas are getting nerfed. In addition, the Zeri, Yuumi, Kog’Maw, and Lulu are finally getting nerfed in this patch.
Furthermore, the Shan Hai Scrolls skin line is making a triumphant return with four new skins, Shan Hai Scrolls Kog’Maw, Shan Hai Scrolls Bard, Shan Hai Scrolls Lillia, and Shan Hai Scrolls Tahm Kench.
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Patch 13.12 Nerfs
Here are all the nerfs coming in Patch 13.12,
Champion Nerfs
- Passive – Happy Hour
- Cooldown: 8 >>> 12
It’s surprising that it took Riot such a long time to nerf Gragas. But all’s well that ends well, as Riot is finally nerfing Gragas.
- Base Stats
- Base AD: 63 >>> 60
Kha’Zix has been performing very well since the buffs in both Patch 13.7 & 13.8, too well, in fact. He currently has a 50% win rate in Solo-Queue with a 15% pick rate and a whopping 54% ban rate, which is absurd for any champion. So, it’s no wonder he is getting nerfed.
- W – Bio-Arcane Barrage
- Max HP Damage : 3.5/4.25/5/575/ 6.5% >>>3/375/45/525/6%
Kog’Maw barely escaped the nerf hammer last patch, but it seems it has finally caught up to him.
- E – Footwork
- Cooldown increased from 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 >>> 10.5/10/9.5/9/8.5
The K’Sante nerfs are mainly geared toward Professional Play, as he has performed very well in the professional scene.
- Base Stats
- Armor: 29>>>26
- Passive – Pix, Faerie Companion
- Damage: 15-117 >>> 9-111
- E – Help, Pix!
- Shield: 75-215 >>> 75-235
Lulu nerfs seems like a breath of fresh air among all these nerfs. The Yordle has been one of the prominent supports in the meta ever since the Marksmen changes in Patch 13.1b. And now she is finally getting nerfed.
- Base Stats
- Armor: 28>>>26
- Armor Growth: 4.9 >>>4.6
- Passive – Fired Up!
- On-hit damage: 15-35% AD >>> 15% AD
Milio is currently one of the best supports right now. He currently has a 52% win rate with a 17% pick rate and a massive 41% ban rate in Solo-Queue.
- Base Stats
- Default adaptive force from AD >> AP
- Q – Shattering Strike
- Cast Time: .5s >> .4s
- Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 +60% AP >> 60/100/140/190/220 + 60%AP
- Jungle Monster Damage from 300% of base >> 150/220/290/360/430 Bonus Damage to Monsters
- W1 – Ferromancy: Crash Down
- Damage from 70/100/130/160/190 +60% AP >> 60/90/120/150/180 + 60%AP
- Jungle Damage from 300% >> 150/200/250/300/350 Bonus Damage to Monsters
- W2 – Ferromancy: Mount Up
- Jungle Damage from 300% >> 20/50/80/110/140 Bonus Damage to Monsters
- E- Full Tilt
- Damage from 35/50/65/80/95 + 4% Max Health >>> 25/35/45/55/65 + 3% Max Health
- ADDED: Percent Damage Cap 150 vs Monsters
- Jungle Damage from 250% >> 100/145/190/235/280 Bonus
It seems Riot may have overshot the Rell buffs on Patch 13.11. So, now they are reverting some of the buffs.
- E – Zoomies
- Attack Speed Buff: 35% (+ 8% per 100 AP) >>> 25 / 27.5 / 30 / 32.5 / 35% (+ 8% per 100 AP)
- R – Final Chapter
- Heal per Hit: 35/50/65 (+ 15% AP) >>> 25 / 40 / 55 (+ 15% AP)
Yummi is finally getting nerfed, and I don’t think I have elaborate on why she is getting nerfed, though.
- Base Stats
- Movement Speed: 330 >>> 335
- Passive – Living Battery
- 45% Shield steal and 10% Movement Speed buff for 2s when shielded >>> Removed
- Q passive moved here (Basic attacks are abilities, charged attacks deal burst magic damage)
- Fully charged Basic Attacks now activate sheen (like an ability)
- Q – Burst Fire
- Basic attack passive moved to Passive.
- No longer procs sheen
- E – Spark Surge
- On-Hit crit scaling: 65% >>> 85%
Something is very clearly wrong when a marksman can get away with building Bruiser items, and Zeri has been getting away with building Bruiser items for the last two patches.
System Nerfs
Ardent Censer
- On-hit damage: 15-30 (Level 1-18) >>> 15
Despite the nerfs in Patch 13.11, Ardent Censer remains one of the game’s finest support items. Riot is nerfing it once again to reduce some of its strength.
- Price: 3200 >>> 3400
The Bloodthirster & Overheal combo has been very strong for a while, and with the recent Bloodthirster changes, it became even stronger.
- Attack Damage: 55 >>> 50
- Active damage: 150-350 + 200% Crit >>> 150-350 + 45% bonus AD
Galeforce has been one of the most problematic items in the game since its release. It’s a good item on its own because it has a lot of stats and is incredibly gold-efficient. But the fact that it also addresses one of the immobile champion’ vulnerabilities by granting them a 90-second cooldown dash is plainly absurd. Furthermore, Riot recently massively buffed the item on Patch 13.10.
Imperial Mandate
- Damage 1: 35-75 (Level 1-18) >>> 40-60 (Level 818)
- Damage 2: 70-150 (Level +18) >>> 80-120 (Level 8-18)
- Move Speed: 20% >>> 25%
Some of Imperial Mandate’s stats are being adjusted in Patch 13.12.
- Shield: 20-300 (Level 118) >>> 11% Max HP
Like Bloodthirster, Overheal is getting some nerfs on Patch 13.12.
Rapid Firecannon
- Energize damage: 80-190 (Level 7-18) >>> 100-180 (Level 6-18)
Rapid Firecannon has been overperforming compared to the other Zeal items. So, Riot is toning it down to align with the other Zeal items.
Red Buff (Crest of Cinders)
- Damage : 6+6″Level (12-114) >>> 6+4°Level (10-78)
- Slow ::10/15/25>>>10/15/20
- Health Regen ::1/3/ 9% of Max HP >>>1/3/5%
Season 8 was the last time Red Buff was changed. After nearly five years, they are changing it again.
Release Date
The aforementioned nerfs will arrive at the live servers in Patch 13.12, which will be released on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.