With Empyrean 2022 skins coming to live servers in a few days, let us take a closer look at all the skins.
The Empyrean skin line is probably one of the most anticipated skin lines of 2022. The skin line was leaked initially back in August of this year with the moniker of Neon Inferno. But with the reveal of League of Legends‘ newest top laner K’Sante, Riot finally confirmed the existence of the Empyrean skin line.
The new Empyrean skin line will be a mix of a futuristic look and a cyberpunk aesthetic. It will also feature nine new skins, including one prestige. They are Empyrean K’Sante, Prestige Empyrean K’Sante, Empyrean Jax, Empyrean Jhin, Empyrean Lux, Empyrean Pyke, Empyrean Vex, Empyrean Zac, Empyrean Zed.
The skins are currently on the PBE (Public Beta Environment) servers for testing. And before the skins get shipped to the live servers, let us take a closer look at them.
Read More: LoL Space Groove Skins Are Rumored to Return in 2022
Empyrean 2022 Skins
Here are all Empyrean 2022 skins:
Empyrean K’Sante

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 5

Empyrean K’Sante, is the first skin for League’s newest top laner K’Sante. For a first skin, Empyrean K’Sante is fantastic. The skin has new recall animation, VFX, SFX, and a voice filter. However, it’s quite a shame that the skin does not have additional voice lines.
Prestige Empyrean K’Sante

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 2000 Event Tokens
- Chroma: None
Prestige Empyrean K’Sante is the Prestige version of the original Empyrean K’Sante skin and was designed by Lil Nas X himself. The skin is very elegant and has excellent models, VFX and SFX, but sadly does not feel like an Empyrean skin.
Empyrean Jax

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

Empyrean Jax looks very similar to Mecha Kingdoms Jax but has an Empyrean twist. The skin has new animations, sound effects, particle effects, recall animations, and a voice filter like most epic-tier skins.
Definitely a good-looking skin, but Mecha Kingdoms Jax seems like a better choice.
Empyrean Jhin

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

Although Jhin already has a futuristic-themed skin called PROJECT: Jhin skin, Empyrean Jhin blows it out of the park. Empyrean Jhin is simply a better version of PROJECT: Jhin, especially with its beautiful sound effects and animations.
Empyrean Lux

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

Riot did it again; they released yet another Lux skin. This is Lux’s third skin of 2022; the last was Porcelain Lux, along with Prestige Porcelain Lux.
All jokes aside, this is a cool-looking skin, especially regarding the visual effects. The skin also has a really slick-looking model. Overall this is surprisingly good-looking skin, but there are better Lux skins.
Empyrean Pyke

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1820 RP
- Chroma: 6

Even before the release of Empyrean Pyke, fans were skeptical about the skin. As many thought, it would never be good as the Ashen Knight Pyke skin, which is widely considered one of the best skins in League of Legends.
But with the release of Empyrean Pyke, they were proven wrong. The skin is definitely on par with its predecessor and maybe better. The skin has really good animations, crisp sound effects, and a badass pentakill effect. Pyke also fits perfectly with the futuristic multiverse hopping Empyrean theme.
Empyrean Vex

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

Looking at just the splash art, Empyrean Vex might not seem that impressive, but the in-game model looks gorgeous, especially with the hoodie. The hoodie also has a flame effect on it. The in-game VFX/SFX are clean as well.
Definitely the best Vex skin.
Empyrean Zac

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

It has been three years since Zac received a skin; his last skin was the Battlecast Zac, which was back in 2020. So after years of waiting, Riot gave Zac a skin. But was it worth the wait? Probably not.
Don’t get me wrong, the skin is good; it is definitely better than the other Zac skin. But waiting three years for not even a Legendary skin is quite disappointing. At least Zac got a skin earlier than Zilean.
Empyrean Zed

- Release Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022.
- Price: 1350 RP
- Chroma: 8

Empyrean Zed is probably one of the coolest Zed skins. It is a very high-quality epic skin. The skin includes new models, textures, animations, sound effects, and recall animation. The skin also comes with a voice filter.
Definitely, a must-buy skin if you are a zed player.