Empyrean Lux Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price

Shadman Sabik Zaim
By Shadman Sabik Zaim
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Riot Games has revealed a new skin line called Empyrean that features many new skins, including Empyrean Lux.

Lux has been the poster child for Riot in terms of releasing skins in League of Legends. The champion has over 10 skins released for the champion, including two Prestige skins and variants of the same skin. Lux is also one of the most popular champions in the game.

Elementalist Lux is the prize of the Lux Skins, as it is the highest rarity for cosmetics in League of Legends. Other than that, there are several popular Lux skins, such as Cosmic Lux, Space Groove Lux, etc. All in all, Lux skins are in the dozens range, and with how popular the champion is, it’s not surprising.

Thus, with a new skin line called Empyrean, Lux had to be part of it based on the sheer popularity of Lux skins. The Empyrean skin line has a dark theme with RGB-like colors, which will be different from most Lux skins. Here is the video for the Empyrean Skin Line.

Empyrean Lux is being added to the roster of many Lux Skins, and here is what we know about the newest addition coming soon thus far.

Read More: Empyrean Zed Skin: Splash Art, Release Date, and Price

Release Date

Empyrean Lux will hit PBE soon and will be released on November 3rd, according to the video released by Riot Games. That falls in line with the skin to be released in Patch 12.21.


Empyrean Lux will be an Epic Skin, costing 1350 RP

Splash Art

Empyrean Lux
Image: Riot Games

By Shadman Sabik Zaim Deputy Editor
Shadman is a Deputy Editor of League of Legends and other Riot IPs (excluding VALORANT) at GameRiv. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who got into games pretty early. Also, he takes pride in trying multiple types of games and got into League of Legends pretty early. Games, Board Games, Writing, Music, and Sports are his passions and hobbies.