Here is how long research projects might take in Starfield.
Starfield is by far the best and biggest RPG released by Bethesda Games Studios. The developers have done an excellent job of polishing the game and making it perfect to enjoy by the players. Players can do a wide variety of activities in the game, alongside only completing the storyline. In Starfield, players can also take up research projects to improve several aspects of their character and equipment in the game.
Research in Starfield is a vast sector. There is a lot to know about research in Starfield, which helps the players improve their performance in the game by upgrading different gameplay elements. However, all research projects can take a certain amount of time before being completed and coming into effect. This guide will give you an insight on how long research projects might take in Starfield.
How Long Do Research Projects Take in Starfield?
Each research project in Starfield takes up a different amount of time. There is no way to specify how much time a research project would take. You can always check the time before initiating any research. However, different skills in Starfield will work automatically to speed up your research projects, making the time variable for the players. The companion you have can also have an effect on the time of your research projects.
How Many Research Projects Progress At The Same Time
In Starfield, you can only do one research from each category at a time. That means you can do five research at a time, one from each category. It is not possible to carry out two researches from the same category. Even if you try different research labs, the result will remain same for you. Here are all the research categories of Starfield.
- Pharmacology: These projects unlock crafting recipes for aid items that can heal you or boost your stats.
- Food and Drink – These projects unlock recipes for consumables that can heal you or improve your stats.
- Outpost Development – These projects unlock modules to build your outposts.
- Equipment – These projects give you crafting recipes for helmet, spacesuit, and pack mods—individual parts you can attach to the helmet, spacesuit, and pack to change the stats and abilities.
- Weaponry – These projects provide modules for weapon mods—parts you can add to weapons to modify their stats.