Starfield: All Outpost Development Research Projects

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
7 Min Read

Outposts are an important part of Starfield. Here are all Outpost Development Research Projects in Starfield.

Outpost Development Research Projects are a key part of expanding and upgrading your outposts in Starfield. By completing these projects at a Research Lab, you can unlock new modules and buildings to construct at your outposts across the settled systems. There are 8 categories of Outpost Development projects: Manufacturing, Resource Extraction, Decoration, Horticulture, Domestication, Power Generation, Robots, and Outpost Defense.

Outpost Development Research Projects allow you to upgrade your outposts by unlocking new constructive modules and buildings. Examples include production facilities, greenhouses, power generators, defenses, decorations, and more. The initial, lower-tier projects in each category serve as prerequisites and are easier to complete. As you move up the tiers, the projects require more rare resources, and higher skill ranks. But, you can unlock more advanced capabilities for your outposts.

We’ll look at the tiered progression within each of the 8 categories, so you can plan out and prioritize which capabilities to upgrade as you expand your outposts and presence in Starfield.

All Outpost Development Research Projects in Starfield


Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Manufacturing 1• Adaptive Frame x3
• Iron x3
• Zero Wire x2
• Sealant x3
• None• Simple Fabricator
• Small Warehouse Module
• Inter-System Cargo Link
Manufacturing 2• Iron x12
• Reactive Gauge x2
• Tungsten x8
• Adaptive Frame x4
• Zero Wire x4
• Lubricant x4
• Sealant x8
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)• Compound Fabricator
• Medium Storage
Manufacturing 3• Iron x16
• Tungsten x12
• Reactive Gauge x4
• Adaptive Frame x12
• Zero Wire x8
• Positron Battery x2
• Lubricant x4
• Sealant x12
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)• Multiplex Fabricator
• Large Storage

Resource Extraction

Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Resource Extraction 1• Copper x20
• Aluminum x30
• Adaptive Frame x10
• Mag Pressure Tank x8
• Chlorosilanes x10
• Drilling Rig x5
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)• Commercial Extractors
• Industrial Extractors
Resource Extraction 2• Caesium x8
• Chlorosilanes x8
• Adaptive Frame x8
• Aluminum x16
• Microsecond • Regulator x3
• Aldumite Drilling Rig x2
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)• Industrial Extractors


Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Decoration 1• Ornamental • Material x2
• Fiber x3
• Structural Material x3
• None• Additional Furniture and Decorations at outposts
Decoration 2• Adhesive x4
• Structural Material x4
• Aluminum x4
• Pigment x4
• Fiber x4
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)• Additional Furniture and Decorations at Outposts.
Decoration 3• Nickel x8
• Aluminum x12
• Structural Material x12
• Fiber x8
• Luxury Textile x2
• Adhesive x12
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)• Additional Furniture and Decorations at Outposts.


Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Horticulture 1• Nutrient x10
• Tungsten x10
• Adaptive Frame x10
• Mag Pressure Tank x8
• Metabolic Agent x10
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
• Botany (Rank 1)
• Commercial Greenhouse
Horticulture 2• Nutrient x12
• Metabolic Agent x12
• Tungsten x8
• Adaptive Frame x8
• Amino Acids x4
• Mag Pressure Tank x4
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
• Botany (Rank 1)
• Industrial Greenhouse


Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Domestication 1• Aluminum x30
• Molecular Sieve x5
• Sealant x10
• Adaptive Frame x10
• Adhesive x10
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)
• Zoology (Rank 1)
• Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility
Domestication 2• Hypercatalyst x4
• Aluminum x16
• Sealant x12
• Substrate Molecule Sieve x3
• Adhesive x12
• Adaptive Frame x8
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)
• Zoology (Rank 1)
• Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility

Power Generation

Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Power Generation 1• Copper x20
• Adaptive Frame x10
• Silver x30
• Cobalt x10
• Zero Wire x10
• Isocentered Magnet x8
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)• Advanced Wind Turbines
Power Generation 2• Beryllium x12
• Power Circuit x1
• Titanium x12
• Caesium x8
• Supercooled Magnet x1
• Tau Grade Rheostat x2
• Zero Wire x8
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)• Solar Domes
Power Generation 3• Power Circuit x2
• Control Rod x3
• Supercooled Magnet x2
• Nuclear Fuel Rod x4
• Tau Grade Rheostat x4
• Tungsten x12
• Isotopic Coolant x4
• Paramagnon Conductor x4
• Lead x12
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)• Reactors
Power Generation 4• Tungsten x16
• Vytinium Fuel Rod x4
• Power Circuit x4
• Tasine Superconductor x3
• Rothicite Magnet x2
• Isotopic Coolant x8
• Control Rod x4
• Tau Grade Rheostat x12
• Lead x20
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)
• Special Projects (Rank 1)
• Advanced Reactors


Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Robots 1• Beryllium x3
• Aluminum x3
• Zero Wire x2
• None• Garden Mini Bot
• Sanitation Mini Bot
• Engineering Robot
Robots 2• Cobalt x12
• Polymer x4
• Chlorosilanes x12
• Austenitic Manifold x3
• Titanium x12
• Zero Wire x12
• Positron Battery x3
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 1)• Logistics Robot
• Power Management Robot

Outpost Defense

Research ProjectRequired ResourcesRequired SkillUnlocks
Outpost Defense 1• Copper x5
• Aluminum x30
• Positron Battery x3
• Fluorine x5
• Titanium x10
• Zero Wire x8
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 2)• Security Mini Bot
• Turret Mk II
Outpost Defense 2• Neon x4
• Positron Battery x3
• Aluminum x16
• Copper x4
• Power Circuit x1
• Veryl-Treated Manifold x1
• Titanium x12
• Outpost Engineering (Rank 3)• Turret Mk III
• Security Robots

How to Unlock Outpost Development Research Projects?

The initial, tier 1 research project in each of the 8 Outpost Development categories is available from the start. To unlock higher tier projects, you need to complete the prerequisite, lower-tier projects within that category first.

For example, to unlock Manufacturing 2, you must first finish Manufacturing 1 research. This progression goes for all categories – complete tier 1 to unlock tier 2, complete tier 2 to unlock tier 3, and so on. Maxing out a category tree requires progressively more resources, specific skills, and completing the projects in order.

How to Complete Outpost Development Research Projects?

Here is a step-by-step guide to completing Outpost Development Research Projects:

Research Lab in Starfield
Credit: Starfield
  • Locate a Research Lab at one of your outposts, your ship, or in a major settlement. Access the research terminal.
  • Under the Outpost Development category, browse through the available projects and select one you want to complete.
  • Check the requirements – this will list the specific resources, and skill levels needed to start research.
  • Gather the required resources by mining, collecting, purchasing, or crafting them. Develop any necessary skills as well.
  • Return to the Research Lab and contribute the resources to begin the project research. You can contribute more overtime.
  • Optionally, assign crew members to the project to speed up research progress. Their skills and traits determine research speed.
  • When the progress bar fills completely, the project is finished! You’ve unlocked that module for outpost construction.
  • Construct the new outpost module to gain its benefits. Repeat for additional projects.

By completing these projects at a Research Lab, you can expand the capabilities of your outposts as you establish more of a presence across star systems. Each completed project contributes to upgrading your outposts with more functionality, resources, and security.

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.