Patch 13.13 is set to come to League of Legends with more buffs and nerfs.
More changes are coming to League of Legends, as Patch 13.13 is coming soon. In the recent patches, Riot has taken huge swings to try and spice up the game. However, there have been too many problems that have popped up with the Patch 13.10 update.
Patch 13.11 came in to plug in the holes of the previous patch, such as the Stormrazor nerf. However, that update popped up the Zeri and Yuumi problem, which Riot decided to remove in Patch 13.12. Zeri and Yuumi were significantly nerfed along with other Pro Play champions.
Overall, Patch 13.12 came out with a ton of changes to address issues in Pro Play. However, the Statikk Shiv build on mages is too strong, so there are nerfs for that coming soon too. Thus, Riot has to wrestle with a lot of problems that popped up with the Patch 13.10 changes.
Now, Riot is coming out with Patch 13.13, which has a bigger nerf list than buff list and more item changes to rectify some of the mistakes made in terms of balancing. Here is all you can expect from Patch 13.13.
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Release Date
League of Legends Patch 13.13 is expected to be released on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.
LoL Patch 13.13 release time and server maintenance:
- NA: 3:00 AM PT
- EUW: 5:00 UK time
- EUNE: 3:00 CET
LoL Patch 13.13 Notes
As mentioned, the nerf list is huge in this patch as this is more about fixing problems of past patches than trying to amp up more champions. There are still some small buffs and an adjustment to Rell. Here is all that’s coming soon.
Champion Buffs
Two buffs are coming in Patch 13.13 as Lee Sin and Nidalee are receiving some improvements. It’s not entirely known what’s coming for both, but the champions are struggling to deserve them. Thus, here is the list of buffs.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is getting some Q buffs for both Sonic Wave and Resonating Strike.
- Q – Sonic Wave & Resonating Strike:
- Base Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+ 110% Bonus AD) >>> 65/90/115/140/165 (+ 115% bonus AD).
Champion Nerfs
A huge list of nerfs is coming for Patch 13.13. All the Pro Play champions are getting nerfs like Annie, Aphelios, Wukong, etc. Meanwhile, oppressive champions like Ivern and Rek’Sai are also getting their nerfs in the current patch. This is shaping up to be a very good patch. Here is the list of nerfs.
Her overall damage and AP Ratio in her Q – Disintegrate is being reduced for Patch 13.13.
- Q – Disintegrate:
- Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 (+ 80% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+ 75% AP).
Two guns are getting changes with Severum getting more adjustments overall.
- Weapon: Gravitum:
- Slow Duration: 3.5 seconds >>> 2.5 seconds.
- Weapon: Severum:
- Basic Attack Healing: 2.5 – 9% (based on level) >>> 2 – 7.1% (based on level).
- Ability Healing: 8.33 – 30% (based on level) >>> 5 – 17.75% (based on level).
His W On-Hit damage and other aspects are getting reduced.
- W – Brushmaker:
- On-Hit Damage: 30/37.5/45/52.5/60 (+ 30% AP) >>> 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 (+ 20% AP).
Base armor and health is being reduced from Kindred.
- Base Stats:
- Armor: 29 >>> 26.
- Health: 610 >>> 580.
With the new Neeko gameplay, it is hard to counterplay the champion. Thus, Riot is reducing the timer the disguise breaks to allow opponents to outplay the ultimate by moving out of range.
- R – Pop Blossom:
- Disguise Break Timer: 1.25 seconds after cast >>> 0.5 seconds after cast.
Health and Base AD is being reduced.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Damage: 61 >>> 58.
- Health: 640 >>> 600.
Varus (AP)
AP Ratios on his W is being adjusted with On-Hit AP Ratio increasing but the detonation damage is reduced.
- W – Blighted Quiver:
- On-Hit AP Ratio: 30 >>> 35%.
- Detonation Damage: 2.5% per 100 AP >>> 1.5% per 100 AP.
Passive Shield is being reduced, while Vi’s R – Cease and Desist is getting increased cooldowns for all ranks.
- Passive – Blast Shield:
- Shield Strength: 13% of Maximum Health >>> 10% of Maximum Health.
- R – Cease and Desist:
- Cooldown: 120/100/80 >>> 140/115/90.
Base Attack Speed is increasing slightly while the highlight is the extra monster damage taken away from Wukong.
- Base Stats:
- Attack Speed: 0.68 >>> 0.69.
- E – Nimbus Strike:
- Monster Damage: 120% >>> 100%.
Champion Adjustment
Only Rell is getting some adjustments to nerf her for Support and buff her for jungle. There has been a push and pull for Rell since her release, so it will be interesting to see how that goes.
System Buffs
No items and runes are getting buffed in this patch. A very good decision considering no items really need buffs at this point before Patch 13.14.
System Nerfs
Only Statikk Shiv is being nerfed. Ghost was meant to be nerfed but that has been reverted and is expected to not be deployed. Thus, the change to Statikk Shiv is as follows.
Statikk Shiv
The Statikk Shiv nerf was teased by Riot, as we know what sort of change was coming. AP Ratios are increasing for wave clear, and dashes will give diminished returns on stacking Energize. Now, we know the exact changes coming soon.
- AP Ratio: 50% >>> 30%.
- Unique Passive – Energize:
- Dashes cause less or no stacks of Energize to come in.
- Unique Passive – Electrocute:
- Minion Damage AP Ratio: 125% >>> 0%.
System Adjustments
In terms of adjustments, there are more interaction changes to Duskblade, along with Essence Reaver being on the list. Also, Stormrazor is once again getting more changes. Here are all the adjustments coming soon.
Duskblade of Draktharr
Like Stormrazor, Riot has been doing a lot of interaction or item changes to Duskblade. Now, Riot is making more interaction updates though we do not exactly know what that is just yet. This change was supposed to happen in Patch 13.12, but Riot delayed it due to implementation issues.
Essence Reaver
The Base AD Ratio of the item is increasing while Bonus AD Ratio is decreasing on the Spellblade Passive. This change gives the item more damage based on base AD than bonus AD.
- Unique Passive – Spellblade:
- Base AD Ratio: 100% >>> 130%.
- Bonus AD Ratio: 40% >>> 25%.
Riot has struggled with Stormrazor since it was changed in Patch 13.10. Two updates have been pushed to the item in PBE since Patch 13.12. Riot has landed on the version to deploy that will reduce Energized Damage based on AD and AP ratios. Thus, here is the final change that is coming in Patch 13.13.
- Energized Damage: 15 (+60% AD) (+50% AP) >>> 90 (+25% AD) (+0% AP).
Four skins are coming in Patch 13.13, as two Wild Rift skins are being ported along with two new Elderwood Skins. Here they all are.