League of Legends Patch 12.23b Notes: New Changes, Release Date, and More

Shadman Sabik Zaim
By Shadman Sabik Zaim
11 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Patch 12.23b is coming very soon in League of Legends as some last changes are being implemented for the end of the year.

League of Legends is going through quite the transition for the preseason. Patch 12.22 kicked it off with wholesale changes to the jungle and items. We saw the introduction of several other things, like the new ping wheel and items.

Patch 12.22b came in later to fix some issues. That patch made Shaco the most bug-fixed champion in League of Legends. After that, Patch 12.23 hit League of Legends as more adjustments came into the fold. The most notable changes were the reworks to Zeri, Tahm Kench, Kassadin, and Dr. Mundo.

Other than that, there were the Ravenous Hydra changes and more jungle changes in the patch. Overall, several changes were brought about in the game in Patch 12.23. This brings us to the upcoming Patch 12.23b, which introduces more changes to systems and Udyr.

Here is what we know about the patch so far.

Read More: Riot is Changing the Bait Ping in League of Legends

Release Date

League of Legends Patch 12.23b is expected to release on December 14th, 2022. That will be the day when the last patch of the year lands.

LoL Patch 12.23B Notes

B patches are designed to roll out changes mid-patch to fix the problems the last big patch has had. This is expected to be the last bunch of changes until next year as the team goes on a break.

According to Riot Phroxzon, Patch 12.23B will be leaning more toward the nerf side to balance things out. Here are the changes slated to come in Patch 12.23B.

Champion Buffs

There is just one buff for Patch 12.23B, so there isn’t much to look forward to. Thus the only buff is being given to Lux.


Some more damage is being funneled into Lux.

  • E – Lucent Singularity
    • AP Ratio: 70/120/170/220/270 (+ 70% AP) >>> 70/120/170/220/270 (+ 80% AP).
  • R – Final Spark
    • AP Ratio: 300/400/500 (+ 100% AP) >>> 300/400/500 (+ 120% AP).

Champion Nerfs

There are many champions nerfs coming to League of Legends in Patch 12.23B. It’s more nerfs for Mordekaiser Jungle and some more for other champions. Thus, here are the champions slated to receive some nerfs. Note that we do not have the specifics on all the changes yet.

Dr. Mundo

After the changes that came to Mundo in Patch 12.23, it seems the doctor has become too tanky. So his health costs and regeneration is being reduced.

  • Base Health Generation Growth: 0.75 >>> 0.55.
  • Passive – Goes Where He Pleases
    • Health Loss: 3% of Current Health >>> 4% of Current Health.
    • Passive Additional Maximum Health Regeneration: 0.4 – 2.5 >>> 0.4 – 2.3.
  • Q – Infected Bonesaw
    • Health Cost: 60 at all ranks >>> 50/60/70/80/90.
  • E – Blunt Force Trauma
    • Health Cost: 20/30/40/50/60 >>> 10/25/40/55/70.
  • R – Maximum Dosage
    • Cooldown: 110 seconds >>> 120 seconds.


The Shadow of War was ramping up too much damage with his Rampage, so that is being reduced.

  • Q – Rampage
    • Damage Amplification Per Stack: 4% + 5% per 100 bonus AD >>> 3% + 4% per 100 bonus AD.


Too much utility was being provided by Janna, so that is being toned down.

  • Passive: Tailwind
    • Bonus Movement Speed: 8% >>> 6%.
  • E – Eye of the Storm
    • Bonus AD Applied: 10/17.5/25/32.5/40 (+10% AP) >>> 10/15/20/25/30 (+10% AP).


Some of Lillia’s base damage was over the top, so Riot is nerfing it a little to balance things out.

  • Passive – Dream-Laden Bough
    • Base Damage: 6% Maximum HP >>> 5% Maximum HP.
  • Q – Blooming Blows
    • Magic Damage: 40/50/60/70/80 (+ 40% AP) >>> 35/45/55/65/75 (+ 40% AP).
    • Outer Edge True Damage: 40/50/60/70/80 (+ 40% AP) >>> 35/45/55/65/75 (+ 40% AP).


A jungle bug fix is in for Mordekaiser along with a hit on his shield.

  • Passive – Darkness Rise
    • Spooky Bug fix: Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser could proc his passive by using his abilities on small monsters.


Her Q is doing too much of everything, so it’s taking a hit.

  • Q – Formless Blade
    • Physical Damage: 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 90/100/110/120/130% total AD) >>> 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 90/97.5/105/112.5/120% total AD)
      • Damage Increased Based on Critical Strike Chance: 0-100% Critical Chance, scaling with Crit Chance >>> 0-120%, scaling with Crit Chance.
    • Passive Healing on Basic and Formless Blade Attacks against Champions: 0-15% post-mitigation damage, scaling with Critical Chance >>> 0-20% post-mitigation damage, scaling with Critical Chance
  • R – Apotheosis
    • Damage Over Time: 15/30/45 (+35% bonus AD) >>> 15/30/45 (+28% bonus AD).
    • Damage at End of Cast: Unchanged.
    • Total Damage: 185/345/505 (+260% bonus AD) >>> 185/345/505 (+232% bonus AD).
    • Healing: 30-45% post-mitigation damage, scaling with Critical Chance >>> 20-50% post-mitigation damage, scaling with Critical Chance.


The Armordillo has too much base resistances from his Defensive Ball Curl so that is being reduced along with longer cooldowns.

  • W – Defensive Ball Curl
    • Bonus Armor: 50 >>> 40.
    • Bonus Magic Resist: 15 >>> 10.
    • Cooldown: 6 seconds >>> 7 seconds.


Some base damage is being taken away from Zed to reduce his ability to burst champions out more with the strong lethality builds.

  • Q – Razor Shuriken
    • Base Physical Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 >>> 70/105/140/175/210.
  • E – Shadow Slash
    • Base Physical Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 >>> 65/85/105/125/145.
    • Cooldown: 5/4.5/4/3.5/3 seconds >>> 5/4.75/4.5/4.25/4 seconds.

Champion Adjustments

Udyr is getting some big adjustments in Patch 12.23B. Around the announcement of the patch by Riot Phroxzon, Spideraxe listed out the changes as per the PBE cycle ongoing at the moment. Here are the differences.

  • Q – Wilding Claw:
    • Bonus Physical Damage: 3/4.4/5.8/7.2/8.6/10% (+6% per 100 bonus AD) of target’s Maximum Health >>> 3/4/5/6/7/8% (+5% per 100 bonus AD) of target’s Maximum Health.
    • Bonus Physical Damage On-Hit: 5/13/21/28/37/45 (+20% bonus AD) >>> 5/11/17/23/29/35 (+30% bonus AD).
    • Awakened Physical Damage: 2% – 5% (+3% per 100 bonus AD) target’s Maximum Health >>> 2% – 4% (+2% per 100 bonus AD) target’s Maximum Health.
  • W – Iron Mantle
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana (levels 1-18) >>> 40-23 mana (levels 1-18).
  • E – Blazing Stampede:
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana (levels 1-18) >>> 40-23 mana (levels 1-18).
  • R – Wingborne Storm:
    • Mana Cost: 45-28 mana (levels 1-18) >>> 40-23 mana (levels 1-18).
    • Base Damage Per Tick: 10/18/26/34/42/50 >>> 10/20/30/40/50/60.

System Nerfs

No system buffs this time around, as we are only getting nerfs. Ravenous Hydra is taking more of a ding, with Jak’sho, Mosstomper, and jungle gold also being on the list. Thus, the following aspects of the game are getting changed.

Epic Monster Damage Reduction changes

The epic monsters were reducing too much damage, so that is being toned down.

  • Epic Monster Damage Reduction: 30% >>> 20%.

Jak’Sho, The Protean

After the buff of Jak’Sho, The Protean, it feels like it has gotten a bit too strong. Hence, Riot is dampening it down a bit.

  • Combine Cost: 600 gold >>> 700 gold.
  • Cost: 3000 gold >>> 3100 gold.
  • Unique – Voidborne Resilience
    • Armor and MR per Second in Combat with Champions: 3 >>> 2.

Lord Dominik’s Regards

More damage is pumped in Lord Dominik’s while increasing the threshold of Health Difference to compensate for the bigger oomph.

  • Unique – Giant Slayer
    • Bonus Damage: 0% – 15% (based on Maximum Health Difference) >>> 0% – 25% (based on Maximum Health Difference).
    • Health Difference For Maximum Damage: 2000 Health >>> 2500 Health.


The Mosstomper was giving a bit too much shield so that is being changed.

  • Shield Strength: 75 – 330 (levels 1-18) >>> 60 – 281 (levels 1-18).

Ravenous Hydra

The item is taking more hits as the preseason changes are far too strong to be undone in one patch.

  • Unique – Cleave
    • Damage (Melee/Ranged): 50%/25% total AD >>> 40%/20% total AD.
  • Unique – Carnivorous
    • Stacks Lost on Death: 50% >>> 60%.


A little bit of damage is funneled into Stormrazor to make it slightly better.

  • Attack Damage: 40 >>> 45.

Small Jungle Gold changes

Treats were giving a bit too much gold and that is being reduced by Riot. There are also some monster gold changes but the specifics are not out yet.

  • Gold Per Treat: 35 gold >>> 30 gold.
  • Red Branbleback Camp Gold Adjusted: 85 Gold >>> 80 Gold.
  • Blue Sentinel Camp Gold Adjusted: 85 Gold >>> 80 Gold.
  • Gromp Camp Gold Adjusted: 75 Gold >>> 70 Gold.
  • Ancient Krug Gold Adjusted: 17 Gold >>> 15 Gold.
  • Small Murk Wolves Gold Adjusted: 15 Gold >>> 13 Gold.
  • Small Razorbeaks Gold Adjusted: 8 Gold >>> 7 Gold.
  • Medium Krug Gold Adjusted: 7 Gold >>> 5 Gold.


As part of making Ravenous Hydra, Tiamat is taking a ding as well.

  • Unique – Cleave
    • Cleave Damage (Melee/Ranged): 50%/25% total AD >>> 40%/20% total AD.

By Shadman Sabik Zaim Deputy Editor
Shadman is a Deputy Editor of League of Legends and other Riot IPs (excluding VALORANT) at GameRiv. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who got into games pretty early. Also, he takes pride in trying multiple types of games and got into League of Legends pretty early. Games, Board Games, Writing, Music, and Sports are his passions and hobbies.