There has been mention from Riot about changing Champion Mastery in League of Legends.
Recently, Riot has released a lot of information about League of Legends. The dev update addressed Preseason changes coming, like Mythic Items being removed, Arena and Nexus Blitz returning this year, and more.
Also, more information came out regarding Intro Bots being improved, Ranked getting three Splits, Preseason getting removed, and more. All this being said, it means Riot is really doing a fair bit of work to change how League of Legends improves and operates in the future.
One of the new improvements that has come out is the introduction of the Multi-Disenchant Feature. This one, while a much-needed addition, came with many limitations. Players, rightfully so, had their problems with it, and Riot has addressed why that is the case.
On the back of that, Riot has also talked about Champion Mastery changing in the future. Here is what we know so far.
Read More: Champion Roadmap Coming Soon For League of Legends
Champion Mastery Changing In The Future
Riot BarackProbama talked about the Multi-Disenchant Feature and Champion Mastery on Reddit.
The entire comment is mostly about the Multi-Disenchant Feature, but Riot BarackProbama pivots a bit at the end. He talks about Champion Mastery, where Riot is apparently evaluating how that will work in the future.
The system requires you to collect shards and Mastery tokens to get the Mastery rank up. However, Riot is not pleased with the system at the moment, so they are looking to change it. Future changes will be factored in the Multi-Disenchant Feature as well.
So, Riot is looking for ways to improve the Champion Mastery system. Riot BarackProbama has mentioned that they will share details about changes when Riot has finalized them. Hence, we might have to wait a while and see what Riot comes up with.