Ranked To Have Three Splits From 2024 in League of Legends

Shadman Sabik Zaim
By Shadman Sabik Zaim
6 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

In an early article release, Riot lays out huge changes for Ranked in 2024, as it will now have three splits.

In 2023, Riot started making huge changes to the Ranked system in League of Legends. Ranked 2023 got major changes where we switched to a two-split system. This meant more Victorious skins, higher LP gains, and more.

Split 2 of Ranked 2023 is already in progress, as players have already been distributed the Victorious Anivia skin. To fast-track the progress of Split 2, Riot reduced placements and removed promotion games. Also, Emerald was added to the Ranked ladder from Split 2 and onwards.

However, it seems Riot is not done with Ranked, as an article went up early in League of Legends China. This article details the changes to ranked coming soon in 2024. There are some major changes that include Three Splits from Ranked in 2024. Here is what we know so far.

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Three Splits in Ranked 2024

League of Legends China released this article on their website (Disclaimer: the text is in Chinese, so a translator is required). It is a massive article as there are details of why Riot wants to make these changes and such.

Essentially, Ranked in 2024 will now have three splits, with no real preseason anymore. Ranked will run throughout the year with Split 1 starting from January 9, 2024. Split 2 is set to start in May 2024, and Split 3 will start in September 2024.

Each Split will be 4 months long, which makes a year-round Ranked system for League of Legends. These changes are interesting as this removed preseason from League of Legends. Let’s talk about why Riot made this decision.

Riot’s Decision

Riot decided to go with this new system because they want to increase player engagement, and they feel this new system will do that job. They also feel that this will allow players to take a break from a single split instead of waiting until the end of the year to take the break.

So Riot believes this change will be good for League of Legends going forward. However, there is a good amount of skepticism around it.

New Ranked System

As mentioned earlier, Stage 1 will start on January 9, 2024. On that same day, we will get the new gameplay changes as opposed to having a preseason downtime.

Stage 2 will have the mid-season changes in May, just like we had this year, only earlier. Lastly, Stage 3 will have small-scale changes as it will consist of the big Worlds event. To accommodate the new system, the current Ranked Split will be extended to January 3, 2024.

Riot aims to use this system to do a better balance structure, and it will be interesting to see if it works. They believe the system will get more player engagement, better balance, and the like. Also, Riot assured that there will not be 3 Preseason size changes for the three splits.

Negatives of the New Changes

There are a few negatives people can think of, like people burning out, Splits being too short, and such. It is the biggest change made in League of Legends in a long time, and it will be intimidating. Players will be confused as to when to stop and take a break from Ranked.

It might even dissuade players from playing Ranked. So, there could be a big exodus of players not playing Ranked or a huge number of players being burned out. It will be up to Riot to fix and patch up the bad parts of the experience of playing in this new Ranked system.

Positives of the New Changes

More splits mean more rewards, possibly more Victorious skins. No downtime for ranked means players can queue up for meaningful ranked games all the time. However, Riot will have to balance the system out with better LP changes, a proper Ranked reset, and such.

Riot will definitely sweeten the pot, and we hope that this will be nice and not just for the players who grind constantly. Hopefully, the system will release properly without too many issues.

Riot’s Final Remarks

Riot acknowledged that this is the biggest change in League of Legends, and there will be growing pains. They assured players that they would listen to feedback and monitor the extended split and next year’s Ranked system to make changes swiftly.

Hopefully, we get a good system to experience and play in and not be burned out of the game.

By Shadman Sabik Zaim Deputy Editor
Shadman is a Deputy Editor of League of Legends and other Riot IPs (excluding VALORANT) at GameRiv. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who got into games pretty early. Also, he takes pride in trying multiple types of games and got into League of Legends pretty early. Games, Board Games, Writing, Music, and Sports are his passions and hobbies.