LoL Victorious Anivia Skin: Splash Art, How To Get, and Release Date

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
2 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot has revealed the victorious skin for season 13 split 1, Victorious Anivia.

Earlier this year, Riot made some massive changes to ranked mode. Firstly, instead of 3 splits, there will be 2. Moreover, Between each split, there will be one soft reset.

They also added more ranked rewards to incentivize players to play more of this game mode. Speaking of rewards, in this season, there will be two different Victorious skins, and all players will be able to earn this skin regardless of their ranks.

As for how they can earn this skin, players can play the ranked matches regularly to earn this reward. However, if they are below gold, they must play more games than those in gold or above.

Recently Riot Games released the newest League of Legends dev log. In this video, they revealed a myriad of new information about ranked. Firstly, promo matches will be removed. Furthermore, they will add an intermediary rank between platinum and diamond called emerald.

Moreover, they also revealed the ranked reward for the first split of season 13, Victorious Anivia. Here’s everything you have to know.

Read more: Ranked System Changes Coming From Split 2 and Onwards.

Victorious Anivia

Splash Art

victorious anivia
Image Credits: Riot Games

How To Get Victorious Anivia

The method to earn the Victorious skin in this season differs from the last. To get the skin for free, you must play ranked regularly and reach a certain reward thresh hold.

You need 1600 SP to get the skin if you are silver or below. But if you are gold or above, you will only need 80 SP. Players can earn SP by playing ranked.

Release Date

Unfortunately, Riot Games has yet to announce this skin’s release date. However, we can expect it to drop fully around the end of split 1.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.