A NoApexAugust movement was supposed to take place in August 2022. So, what happened to the event, and what is the situation now?
Apex Legends is an excellent game with lots of exciting features. The game has more than 130 million userbase with 250,000 average concurrent players in the game in Season 13. Apex Legends keeps breaking the old record of having the most concurrent players in almost every new Season.
Despite the popularity and expertise of EA, Apex Legends is failing to satisfy its players. The game is full of bugs and glitches, the servers are not up to the mark, and more problems are there in the game that ruins the players’ experience in most cases.
Since Apex’s launch, EA has profited $2 Billion USD from the game. However, despite the game’s popularity and support, Apex is failing to please its players because of continued poor performance. As a result, players decided to boycott Apex Legends for the whole month of August.
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So What Really Happened to No Apex August?
The initial idea to boycott Apex has been there for a long time. However, a Reddit post on Apex Legends Subreddit escalated the “striking” proposition to a new level. The post gained massive recognition, and many players supported it.
However, instead of going on a strike right on time, it was delayed until August, and most players agreed that they would stop playing Apex Legends for the whole August. Since then, there have been minor updates about the event, but nothing significant was going on.
This is a recent post from an Apex fan in Apex Legends subreddit. Compared to the original post, this post only received very minimal reach. However, the most interesting fact is that most people have really mixed feelings about the event. Here are a few replies to the post:
Ok_Investigator9530, “No. I actually enjoy the game.
squeakybeak, “Yeah but only for the first two weeks, because I’m on vacay too!”
Wicked-Death, “I’d be surprised if anyone does it. This upcoming Season honestly has sounded amazing, and everyone wants in. Y’all should’ve done this last month. lol.”
Only a few people want to actually boycott Apex for the whole month of August, while others don’t want to boycott at all because they enjoy the game. Some people think that boycotting Apex for a whole month isn’t going to be helpful. Instead, people should stop using the store.
With Season 14 coming on August 9, 2022 with a new Battle Pass, Skull Town returning, and a new legend, it seems improbable that the #NoApexAugust movement will go as smoothly as people hoped for.
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