Riot Already Nerfed Reworked Rell on LoL Patch 13.12

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
3 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

After the patch 13.11 micro patch, Riot will nerf the reworked Rell in the upcoming patch 13.12.

Riot has constantly released new mini-reworks in League of Legends since the last season. Mini-reworks are ability adjustments and overhauls aimed to make champions more viable in both solo queue and pro play.

In 2023, we received many new champion mini-rework. Some of the notable ones are Jax, Kayle, Neeko, etc. Keep in mind Not all mini-reworks are a success, like Azir’s. And recently, Riot released Rell’s mini-rework. Similarly to Azir, this update didn’t quite hit the mark.

Let’s talk about some positives first. Rell is not only a good support but also a jungler now. Her new E is actually a good ability all around. It synergizes well with the rest of her abilities. Now let’s talk about some glaring flaws. While her new abilities are fine, their stats are very low.

Because of her declining win rate, Riot hotfix buffed her after the release of patch 13.11. And after the buff, her win rate increased significantly in support. One thing to note, her jungle performance is pitiful.

As players are getting comfortable playing Rell, Riot has decided to nerf her in the upcoming patch, 13.12.

Read more: League of Legends Patch 13.12 Notes.

Rell Nerfs Patch 13.12

  • Base Stats
    • Default adaptive force changed AD >>> AP
  • Q – Shattering Strike
    • Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 >>> 60/100/140/190/220
    • Cast Time: 0.5 >>> 0.4 seconds
    • Monster Damage: 300% >>> 150/220/290/360/430 bonus damage
  • W – Ferromancy: Mount Up/Crash Down
    • Crash Down Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 >>> 60/90/120/150/180
    • Crash Down Monster Damage: 300% >>> 125/150/175/200/225 bonus damage
    • Mount Up Monster Damage: 300% >>> 55/110/165/220/275 bonus damage
  • E – Full Tilt
    • Damage: 35/50/65/80/95 (+4% target’s max HP) >>> 25/35/45/55/65 (+3% target’s max HP)
    • Max HP Damage capped at 150 against Monsters
    • Monster Damage: 250% >>> 100/145/190/235/280 bonus damage

In fairness, these nerfs aren’t bad for Rell. All of these changes are doing are nerfing her damage. And that is understandable, as she doesn’t need damage. Her main stats are her health, armor, and magic resists.

But these nerf also add some quality of life changes as well. Firstly, her Q cast time decreased notably. It makes her a very strong support in the early game. Moreover, her adaptive force was changed from AD to AP. Adaptive force stats will properly convert into ability power instead of attack damage.

These changes won’t bring Rell down as she was before the rework. So we can expect some highly skilled outplays in the near future.

Release Date

The Rell nerfs will hit live servers on patch 13.12, scheduled to release on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.