Massive Nerfs Coming To Annie, Aphelios, Ivern & Others in Patch 13.13

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
5 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Patches 13.10, 13.11, and 13.12 were all big updates, and it appears that Patch 13.13 will follow in the same footsteps.

In Patch 13.13, Riot is looking to shift the Jungle meta substantially. Lee Sin and Nidalee are getting some much-needed buffs. Also, meta Junglers like Ivern, Kindred, Rek’Sai, Vi, and Wukong are getting significantly nerfed. This will result in a meta shift, and champions like Graves & Lillia might return to the meta.

In the Mid Lane, Annie and Neeko will finally be nerfed. In addition, Ghost and Stattik Shiv are being nerfed as well. Rell is getting yet another batch of adjustments. This time Riot is buffing her as a Jungler and nerfing Support role impact.

With all the information out of the way, let’s talk about the most important part of any Patch, Skins. The Elderwood skin line is back with two new skins, Elderwood Karthus, and Elderwood Wukong. Also, the Wild Rift Exclusive Star Guardian Seraphine and Oriana are making their way to the Rift.

Read More: Stormrazor Gets Big Update on LoL Patch 13.13

Patch 13.13 Nerfs

Here are all the nerfs coming in Patch 13.12,

Champion Nerfs


  • Q – Disintegrate:
    • Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 (+ 80% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+ 75% AP).

Her overall damage and AP Ratio in her Q – Disintegrate is being reduced for Patch 13.13.


  • Weapon: Gravitum:
    • Slow Duration: 3.5 seconds >>> 2.5 seconds.
  • Weapon: Severum:
    • Basic Attack Healing: 2.5 – 9% (based on level) >>> 2 – 7.1% (based on level).
    • Ability Healing: 8.33 – 30% (based on level) >>> 5 – 17.75% (based on level).

It’s hard to find many Professional games where Aphelios isn’t either picked or banned. Even after multiple nerfs, Aphelios remains one of the strongest champions in Professional Play.


  • W – Brushmaker:
    • On-Hit Damage: 30/37.5/45/52.5/60 (+ 30% AP) >>> 20/27.5/35/42.5/50 (+ 20% AP).

After the recent Ivern Mini rework, many thought he would get weaker. But it’s the complete opposite; he is the strongest he has ever been. He currently has a very strong early game and scales even better into the late game, and frankly, he is obnoxious to play against.


  • Base Stats:
    • Armor: 29 >>> 26.
    • Health: 610 >>> 580.

Kindred is currently one of the best Junglers right now. She currently has a 53% win rate with a 10% pick rate and a massive 20% ban rate in Solo-Queue. In addition, to Solo-Queue, she is performing very well in Professional Play.


  • R – Pop Blossom:
    • Disguise Break Timer: 1.25 seconds after cast >>> 0.5 seconds after cast.

Ever since her mini-rework Neeko has been the bane of existence for many players. Her strong laning phase and the ability to pick unsuspecting people off made her a frustrating champion to face against.


  • Base Stats:
    • Attack Damage: 61 >>> 58.
    • Health: 640 >>> 600.

Rek’Sai has been one of the strongest Jungler for the last couple of patches. So, it’s not surprising she is getting nerfed.

Varus (AP)

  • W on-hit AP ratio increased from 30% to 35%
  • W detonation AP ratio reduced from 2.5% per 100 AP to 1.5%

Varus’ W AP ratio and detonation AP ratio are taking a hit. While not a massive nerf, it should make him easier to handle in the late game.


  • Passive – Blast Shield:
    • Shield Strength: 13% of Maximum Health >>> 10% of Maximum Health.
  • R – Cease and Desist:
    • Cooldown: 120/100/80 >>> 140/115/90.

Vi’s strong early game and a point-and-click CC made her a very strong pick in both professional play and Solo-Queue. Thus it’s not surprising that she is getting nerfed.


  • Base Stats:
    • Attack Speed: 0.68 >>> 0.69.
  • E – Nimbus Strike:
    • Monster Damage: 120% >>> 100%.

Similar to Vi, Wukong is also getting nerfed.

System Nerfs


  • Cooldown increased from 210 seconds to 240

Ghost might currently be the best Summoner Spell in the game, right now. It provides great mobility, has a low cooldown, and in many situations, outperforms Flash. So it’s not surprising that it is getting nerfed.

Stattik Shiv

  • Minion damage AP ratio reduced from 125% to 85%
  • Stacking Nerfs for dashes

Stattik Shiv is getting some of its AP ratio reduced. So it will now be less effective on Mages.

Release Date

The aforementioned nerfs will arrive at the live servers in Patch 13.13, which will be released on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.