LoL Soul Fighter Gwen Skin Allegedly Leaked

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

A new Gwen will likely come with the upcoming Soul Fighter skin line.

Riot announced earlier this year that they would be hosting a massive event this summer. They also added that it will be the largest summer event Riot has ever made and will come with new game modes, skins, and more.

It’s almost summer, yet there’s still no official word on the upcoming summer event. But don’t worry; while there are no official updates, there are some unofficial ones.

Big Bad Bear, a well-known leaker, has released some intriguing information regarding the upcoming summer event. First and foremost, we are receiving a new game mode, and thankfully, it will not be another visual novel-style game mode.

We’ll also be getting a new skin line called Soul Fighter. The skin line is presumably influenced by fighting games like Street Fighter or Mortal Combat, as the name indicates.

As for the champion, who will be receiving the skins, only two champions were confirmed by the leaker, Samira, and Pyke. The Samira skin is reported to be the game’s first Legendary+ rank skin to be produced. Legendary+ is a new skin tier that sits midway between Ultimate and Legendary. And The Pyke skin will likely be an epic tier skin.

But recently, the leaker has confirmed another skin coming with the skin line Soul Fighter Gwen.

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Soul Fighter Gwen

According to Big Bad Bear, Soul Fighter Gwen is the third skin coming with the Soul Fighter skin line. The skin will likely be an epic-tier skin as the legendary skin coming with the skin line is already confirmed to be Soul Fighter Samira.

In addition to the skin for League of Legends, Team Fight Tactics, or TFT, will also be receiving its own version of the skin with Chibi Soul Fighter Gwen.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.