K’Sante is getting the biggest changes since his release, as Riot is set to rework the champion.
Riot added K’Sante back in November 2022 as the 162nd champion in League of Legends. He came into the game guns blazing, becoming one of the strongest champions for a long time. The ShowMaker meme is still relevant, given the past and current state of K’Sante.
Thus, Riot had to make quite a few changes to K’Sante. The last time K’Sante received a change this Season was in Patch 13.12. After that, K’Sante number returned to the mean in Pro Play but was still strong. So, Riot said that they would be making more K’Sante changes after the Worlds Patch.
This brings us to this moment, where Riot has implemented the changes for K’Sante in the PBE server. However, no one quite expected it to be a rework, and that’s what we are getting. A ton is coming that will change how players play K’Sante. Here is what we know so far.
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K’Sante Rework 2023
The rework is set to come in Patch 13.20 and is currently in the PBE server. It is still subject to change, but these are the current changes in the testing server.
- Base Stats:
- Health: 610 >>> 570.
- Health Growth: 108 per level >>> 115 per level.
- Passive – Dauntless Instinct:
- ALL OUT Bonus Damage: 35% (+20% Armor) (+20% Magic Resists) >>> 35% (+0% Armor) (+0% Magic Resists).
- Q – Ntofo Strikes:
- Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 30/60/90/120/150.
- ALL OUT Bonus:
- Cooldown Reduction: 1 second >>> 25% of current cooldown.
- Now Applies Slow.
- W – Path Maker:
- Minimum Charge Time: 0 >>> 0.65 seconds.
- Mana Cost: 75/80/85/90/95 >>> 60/65/70/75/80.
- Damage Reduction: 25% (+10% Armor)(+10% Magic Resist)(+1% per 100 Bonus Health) >>> 40 – 60% (based on level).
- Damage:
- No Longer Has Damage Based on Charging Time.
- New Damage Numbers: 20/40/60/80/100 (+50% AD) (+30% Armor) (+30% Magic Resist) (6/7/8/9/10% Maximum Health).
- Stun Duration: 0.3 – 0.85 seconds (based on charge time) >>> 1.25 seconds.
- ALL OUT Bonus:
- Charge Time Reduction: 0 >>> 0.5 seconds.
- Damage: 25 – 350 (+50% AD) >>> 0.
- Resistance: 30% (+12% Armor) (+12% Magic Resist) (+1.2% per 100 Bonus Health) >>> 50 – 75% (based on level).
- Cooldown Number Change: 24/22/20/18/16 seconds >>> 18/17.5/15/13.5/12 seconds.
- R – All Out:
- Non-Wall Damage: 35/70/105 (+20% AD) >>> 70/110/150 (+100% AP).
- Wall Damage: 150/250/350 (20% AP) >>> 70/110/150 (+100% AP).
- Bonus AD: 5 (+32.5% Armor) (+32.5% Magic Resist) >>> 15/30/45 (+25% Armor) (+25% Magic Resist).
- Omnivamp: 10% (0.75% per 100 Bonus Health) >>> 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%.
- Bonus Attack Speed: 0 >>> 25/30/35/40/45%.
- Health: 55% Max Health >>> 65% Max Health.
- Knockback Distance: 350 >>> 300.
There are so many changes coming to K’Sante, so we talk about all the changes piece by piece. Firstly, the base health is reduced at the start, while the scaling is better. Overall, he has more Health at level 18. Secondly, the Passive damage is being reduced when K’Sante goes All Out.
Next, we have the changes to Ntofo Strike, where the damage is reduced in the early game. Also, his Q will now change to a percentage-based reduction while also slowing targets.
W and R are getting a bulk of the changes as W is getting a better damage scale and such. Meanwhile, his R is getting more Omnivamp, Attack Speed, and a bigger Health threshold while reducing damage.
Overall, all the changes are going to impact K’Sante in such a way that people may consider making AP items. Also, this is a lot that Riot will have to monitor to see if it all works out.
Release Date
The K’Sante Rework is expected to come on Patch 13.20 on Wednesday, October 11, 2023.