The new season 11 of Apex Legends called “Escape” is almost upon us and we finally have some information regarding all the weapon-related buffs & nerfs that Respawn plans to bring with the new season.
Aside from new characters, weapons, revamped battle passes, and new maps, Respawn also brings balancing changes containing a plethora of buffs & nerfs at the start of a new season to shack things up. And it seems like for this new season, they made another change to the care package weapons.
In Apex Legends, there are three types of weapons that a player can use on the battlefield. One is the ground loot, which can be upgraded by adding more attachments to it. The second one is gold weapons that come equipped with all the high-level attachments.
And lastly, there are care packages only for weapons. These weapons are highlighted in bright red, and they are by far the most powerful weapons in the game. With season 11, Respawn decided it was time for the triple take to leave the care package slot. In its place, the G7 Scout will enter the care package with upgraded stats.
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Also, the new C.A.R SMG seems really promising so far. The leaks indicate it will take both light and heavy ammo types. All of these changes may seriously shake up the current weapon meta in the game.
Apex Season 11 Escape Weapon Buffs & Nerfs
Supply Drop Rotation
This season, the Triple-Take returns to floor loot, and taking its place is the G7 Scout. The Scout enters the Supply Drop with its old friend, the Double-Tap Trigger, equipped.
Hop Ups
- Dual Shell: Each round loaded into the Mastiff or the 30-30 Repeater is doubled.
Fully Kitted Rotation
- Added: Mastiff 30-30 Repeater, R-301, CAR, Longbow
- Removed: Peacekeeper, Rampage, RE-45, Flatline, and Charge Rifle
- Fire rate reduced from 2.1 to 2.0
Dev Note
With the reduced bolt scaling we’ve done in previous passes the EVA-8 is still performing ahead of the shotgun pack. Hitting the base fire rate should help balance out our shotgun roster.
- Slightly increased pellet size
- Choke-up time reduced from 1.5s to 1.25s
- Choked-up shots remain tight for slightly longer when exiting ADS
- Damage reduced from 60 to 55
Dev Note
We’re walking back a recent buff to the Longbow that proved unnecessary. We wanted to give it some love due to all the recent Marksman updates but it seems the Longbow was just fine.
- Reduced barrel effectiveness at all rarity tiers
- Significantly reduced projectile collision size
- Damage reduced from 18 to 17
G7 Scout
- Damage increased from 34 to 36
- Double Tap added to Supply Drop G7 Scout
Supply Drop Weapon Rates
- Early game crate weapon rate increased from 25% to 50%
- Mid game crate weapon rate increased from 50% to 75%
- Late game crate weapon rate increased from 75% to 100%
Hot Zone Gold Loot Rates
- Increased amount of gold loot that spawns in hot zones
- Increased ammo from crafting
- Light Ammo 20 → 60
- Heavy Ammo 20 → 60
- Energy Ammo 20 → 60
- Shotgun Ammo 8 → 24
- Arrows 16 → 48
- Sniper 12 → 36
- Crafting Ammo price increased from 5 to 10 per weapon
- Evo Armor Points from crafting increased from 100 to 150
- Evo Armor Points cost increased from 45 to 50
- Replaced a sniper bundle with a shotgun bundle featuring the Dual Shell
- Prowler health across the game has gone up from 90 to 114 (Storm Point and World’s Edge)
- Prowlers on World’s Edge and Flyers on Kings Canyon now reward EVO points (25%) … all damage done to AI now rewards progress to your EVO armor
Season 11 Arenas Specific Changes
Supply Drop
- Supply drop will now land outside the first ring, if possible, and land 10 seconds earlier.
- Purple weapons now spawn more in earlier rounds
- Round 1 – 3x blue -> 1x purple + 2x blue
- Round 2 – 1x purple + 2x blue -> 2x purple 1x blue
- Round 3 – 2x purple 1x blue -> 3x purple
- Supply drop no longer spawns blue Havoc or Devotion or gold RE-45
Weapon Price Updates
- Moz
- Blue 125 → 150
- Purple 200 → 250
- P2020
- Blue 75 → 50
- Purple 150 → 25
- RE45
- Base 200 → 150
- White 150 → 100
- Blue 250 → 200
- Prowler
- Base 500 → 400
- Blue 300 → 350
- Purple 400 → 350
- R99
- Base 500 → 450
- Blue 250 → 300
- Purple 300 → 350
- Hemlok
- Base 500 → 450
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