Apex Legends’ Leak Reveals the Development of New Map Divided Moon

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
Credit: AG420

A massive Apex Legends Leak has revealed the next map in Apex Legends and where it stands right now.

As Apex Legends is an ever-evolving free-to-play first-person shooter game, Respawn releases new content such as new legends, maps, limited-time games modes, and cosmetic items with each seasonal update.

Unsurprisingly, the release of a new map is really special to the Apex Legends community as Respwan takes their time while developing unique playable maps. A previous leak from a playtester revealed that Respawn has been working on a new map called Divided Moon.

It’s been three seasons since players got a new map. The latest one, Storm Point, was released in Season 11. However, with all the recent leaks, it seems like Respawn is planning to release the Divided Moon man in Season 15.

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Divided Moon First Look

As the name implies, the new map Divided Moon will be located on the moon. As this is an entirely different place, there will be unique and exciting lores tied to it.

Not long ago, a prominent leaker named Tom Henderson said that the Divided Moon map would be released in Season 15, and the Season’s name would be “Eclipse.” The release of Divided Moon and the Season’s name complement each other. So, it makes sense.

Also, Apex Legends’ notorious data miner AG420 recently leaked new videos of a few locations from the new map. Respawn will release a series of teasers for the upcoming Season. The final teaser will give players a small tour of the Divided Moon map.

YouTube video
Credit: AG420/ PWN Hub

Release Date

The new Season is set to release on November 1, 2022. The Divided Moon map will be released on the same day. However, players can get a glimpse of the new map beforehand.

On October 11, players will get receive the first teaser. And on October 19, Respawn will release the final teaser, from which players will get a short tour of the Divided Moon map.

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Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.