In this article, we’ll go through every Recon character in Apex Legends for Season 19 and rank them from worst to best.
Apex Legends is currently one of the best Battle Royale titles out there. The game is a playground for more than 130 million people, and the player count keeps increasing with the release of every new season. The game is gaining more and more traction daily due to Respawn’s seamless integration of the hero shooter concept into the battle royale environment.
Upon the game’s initial release, Apex Legends only had 8 Legends. But, starting with Season 1, Respawn started adding a bunch of new characters to the game. And every season except for Seasons 16 and 18 saw the debut of a new character with unique abilities.
Right now, there are 24 unique Legends in the game. Ballistic was the last character to secure a spot on the Apex Legends roster. Every Legend in the game has different abilities and characteristics. Similarly, they have different roles to perform. The same applies to Recon Legends.
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What is Recon Class Legends?
Although the game started with four classes: Assault, Recon, Support, and Defense, Respawn figured it was almost impossible to fit all the characters into these four groups. So, in Season 16, Apex Legends underwent a massive Legend-class rework across all Legend categories.
Recon Legends specialize in gathering intel. These Legends possess unique skills that give their team crucial data about enemies’ whereabouts. They can scout and assist their squad with valuable knowledge that can be used to take better positions, fight more efficiently, and if needed, flee from the scene.
Moreover, because of their new class perk, Recon characters can interact with Survey Beacons and reveal enemies’ positions, giving you their exact locations for 30 seconds on the minimap.
How Many Recon Legends are there in Apex Legends?
Currently, in Season 19, there are 4 Recon Legends in the game. They are Bloodhound, Crypto, Seer, and Vantage. Aside from the common Recon perk, each Recon Legend has its own set of abilities.
Best Recon Legends Ranked
In this section, we’ll rank every Recon Legend from worst to best. We’ll put these characters in order based on their popularity and effectiveness in the current meta of the Battle Royale environment.
4. Vantage

Vantage is a decent Legend in Season 19 with a huge fanbase. She was introduced in Season 14 and is the latest Recon character in the category. Currently, she is the only Recon Legend who hasn’t gone through major ability modifications.
Thanks to her Tactical Echo Location, she is the only one with a mobility advantage among all the Recon Legends. She can take the high ground and scout for enemies and good playable positions. Her Spotter’s Lens is a pretty neat Passive that allows her to see a bullet drop indicator to determine where the shots will land for snipers and marksman rifles.
As for her Ultimate: Sniper’s Mark, Vantage carries a custom sniper rifle to mark enemy targets, which applies a damage bonus for you and your team. The sniper comes with a 3x-8x optic and deals 50 base damage.
Despite having pretty good abilities, Vantage does not fit very well in the current meta. Moreover, her abilities are only useful in the early to mid-game. As a result, most players prefer to opt-in for other Recon Legends than Vantage in most scenarios.
3. Crypto

Crypto is a high-risk, high-reward Legend introduced in Season 3. Since his release, the Legend has undergone several changes to his abilities. He was formerly a subpar character in comparison to the other Legends in the game. Therefore, most of the modifications that were made to his kits were upgrades.
Right now, Crypto is in a pretty balanced state. However, Crypto’s usefulness comes down to the user. Skilled Crypto users can use Surveillance Drones to cause fear in their enemies’ minds. It is a multi-purpose Drone that can scan the survey beacon, reveal enemies, retrieve fallen teammates’ banners, and Respawn them instantly.
For casual matches and low-ranked lobbies, Crypto isn’t a very popular choice. But, in high-level ranked matches and tournaments, many players prefer Crypto over other Recon Legends.
2. Bloodhound

Bloodhound is the oldest Recon Legend and has been in the game since the launch of Apex Legends. Bloodhound is one of those characters who has undergone massive modifications to their abilities and kits.
Similarly, in Season 16, Respawn made many adjustments to Bloodhound’s abilities. Although Tactical: Eye of the Allfather and Passive: Tracker has mostly remained the same, Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt was significantly modified, forcing Bloodhound players to approach the game quite differently.
The introduction of the white raven seemed like a reasonable addition to Bloodhound’s kit in the Revelry Patch Notes. However, after the final version came out, players figured out that the character was heavily nerfed.
Thanks to their powerful scanning power, Bloodhound is still a good Legend in Season 19. However, because of Seer’s more useful abilities, players prefer him over Bloodhound. Nonetheless, both characters have their pros and cons.
1. Seer

As Seer’s utilities are just an upgraded version of Bloodhound and Revenant, he was a must-pick character in the Legend meta in season 11. It was tough to find a squad that wasn’t running him as a part of their squad before his post-launch nerf.
Shortly after his release in season 11, he dropped out of the limelight following the nerfs. However, starting in Season 14, Seer’s popularity skyrocketed due to his performance in ALGS. Despite the fact that Seer has been heavily nerfed over the years, no other Recon Legend can provide as much value to the team.
As scan Meta is still prevalent in Apex Legends, Seer is still the best Recon Legend in the game. Although it may change in the future, for now, Seer is the go-to Recon Legend who can ensure you the most success during a match.
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Final Verdict
Every character in Apex Legends has unique and useful abilities. If utilized properly, any Legend can lead you to a foolproof win. However, some Legends are always preferred over others for particular maps, game modes, and situations. This list is based on the Legend’s abilities and how well they fit in the current meta. So try them out and see what works best for you.
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