Aside from all the changes Respawn introduced with the Genesis Collection Event in Apex Legends, the Arenas game mode also received additional pricing adjustments to its weapon and ability prices.
Respawn added a new 3v3-style Arenas game mode with the Legacy update. Following its release, it garnered a lot of accolades from players and critics alike as they were able to translate the hectic gameplay loop of Apex Legends to a new format.
Similar to tactical shooters, Arenas game mode provides the ability to buy abilities and weapons before the start of each round. In the new Genesis patch, Respawn made major changes to the pricing of some abilities and weapons to change the meta.
Most weapons aside from the Spitfire and EVA received price cuts. Furthermore, this new patch will also bring additional balancing updates to legend ability charges. Pathfinder, Octane, Rampart, and Wattson’s utilities received the most changes.
Apart from economy and utility updates, Respawn also announced a lot of quality-of-life updates for the upcoming Genesis patch. From a more intuitive UI to map adjustments, Arenas game mode should feel much better following the next patch.
Arenas Price Adjustments
The figures below represent changes to the cost of materials to unlock or upgrade weapons, utilities, and Legend abilities in Arenas matches.
Weapon Prices
- P2020 Lvl 1 Upgrade: 50 -> 25
- P2020 Lvl 2 Upgrade: 125 -> 75
- P2020 Lvl 3 Upgrade: 200 -> 150
- RE45: 250 -> 200
- EVA: 250 -> 300
- Mastiff: 500 -> 400
- R99: 550 -> 500
- Volt: 500 -> 550
- Spitfire: 550 -> 600
- L-Star: 400 -> 500
- R301 Lvl 2 Upgrade: 300 -> 350
- G7 Scout: 350 -> 400
- G7 Scout Lvl 3 Upgrade: 250 -> 200
- 30-30: 350 -> 400
- 30-30 Lvl 3 Upgrade: 250 -> 200
Utility Prices
- Arc Star: 100 -> 125
- Gold Backpack: 250 -> 300
Legend Ability Prices
- Crypto EMP: 600 -> 500
- Crypto Drone: 100 -> 50
- Revenant Death Totem: 600 -> 500
- Lifeline DOC Drone 50 -> 75
- Fuse Knuckle Cluster 150 -> 75
- Bloodhound Ult 350 -> 450
Arenas Balance Changes
Legend Ability Adjustments
- Pathfinder’s Grapple starting charges reduced to 2 charges from 3.
- Pathfinder’s Zipline round cooldown increased from every round to every other round.
- Rampart’s Sheila round cooldown reduced from every 3 rounds to every other round.
- Wattson’s Interception Pylon round cooldown increased from every round to every other round.
- Octane’s Launch Pad cooldown increased from every round to every other round.
- Octane’s Stim starting charges reduced to 2 charges from 3.
- Added a scoreboard to the map screen.

- You can now report players by pressing [SPACE / Y] in the map screen

- From Round 3 and onward, you’ll now start with a shield battery in addition to 2 syringes and 2 shield cells.
- Care packages will also land 5s earlier to make the contained weapons a more viable option before the round closes out.
- 6x scope moved from base sniper weapons to Lvl 1 upgrade.
Arenas Map Adjustments
Party Crasher
- Adjusted circle logic to favor downtown a bit more.
- Simplified the minimap’s visual language.
Phase Runner
- Raised cover height on certain props throughout the map to prevent unfair advantages to large rig Legends.
- Added a few trees to reduce the ease of spawn sniping (looking at you, Reptar…).
Arenas Bug Fixes
- The UI for Purple devotion now shows the attached turbocharger.
- Players will no longer be chosen as Jump Masters during the legend select screen.
- Updated the sniper stock to show an empty slot when needed.
- Can no longer get stuck in the crouch position after dying while reviving a teammate during a round in Arenas.
Quality of Life Changes
- Updated fuel gauge UI to better indicate when you’re using fuel and when you’re running low.
- Will now have custom animations for LMG reload. These have no impact on her current reload times.
- Added VO for when your Ultimate is ready, or not ready.
- When your Ultimate gets to 100%, you’ll be prompted to tell your team with new VO for each Legend.
- At any point in time, you can ping your Ultimate icon (in your inventory) to show your teammate what percentage you’re at (in quickchat).
- Added VO for when you enter a Replicator, so your teammates know you are crafting and won’t leave you behind! Probably.
- Added VO for pinging a friendly Trident, in addition to the neutral and enemy states that already existed.
- You can now turn off FOV scaling when certain abilities are used. Look in the options.
- Reduced the frequency of Ring endings near out-of-bounds areas (like canyon walls or map edges).
- Healing items will now play the entire healing sound when used by other players, instead of just the beginning and ending.
- Muting players will now also mute text to speech.
Read More: Apex Legends Genesis Collection Event Weapon Updates: Spitfire Nerf, 30-30 Repeater Buff, & More
Lastly, following many requests from the Apex community, Skull town will be available in the Genesis Update as an Arenas map.