Apex Legends Players have been asking Respawn to add some sort of team deathmatch type of game mode in the game for some time now.
Since the community asked for some sort of TDM game mode, Respawn happily obliged with the latest Flashpoint LTM(limited-time mode) where players can have more tightly congested fights. Furthermore, players can only heal in these bubbles that are scattered throughout the whole map.
Shrugtal who is a pretty reliable Apex Legends data miner just revealed that Respawn might be working on some sort of arena mode. As the name implies, this new arena mode might be the answer to the community’s demand to introduce a permanent TDM type game mode.
“Arena” game mode:
Basically, data miners found some UI elements in the game files that clearly suggests that they are indeed making some sort of arena battle mode. However, as this is still a leak, take all of these with a grain of salt.
The addition of such an arena mode in Apex Legends would be a great place for players to warm up before a rank match. Furthermore, Respawn already hinted that they might introduce Skull town back into the Kings Canyon map in one way or another.
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And this arena mode could be a great way to reintroduce the fan-favorite Skull Town back into the game that was destroyed at the beginning of season 5. As the Apex Legends community still deeply loves Skull Town, a Skull Town only arena game mode would be a great fit for the game.