Vampire Survivors: How To Limit Break Weapons

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
4 Min Read
Credit: Poncle

Vampire Survivor added a new item with which you can break the limit of your weapon. This limit break increases the weapon’s level even further than the original level. Here is how to unlock limit break in the game.

Vampire Survivors is the indie game that takes the bullet hell genre and flips the concept of it. Typically in bullet hell, you are the one dodging, and your enemy is the one shooting all the bullets. But in Vampire Survivors, you are the one shooting all the bullets. As a result, you will face endless waves of enemies and have to come up on top.

Vampire Survivors is a great game with an addicting gameplay loop. But that’s not all; the game is constantly getting new updates to keep things new and fresh. Since the release, many features have been added. Some are directly added to the quality of life, and others are added to the new content.

The new feature added to the game is the limit break. The limit break has been added to the game but doesn’t come unlocked. You have to unlock this ability by collecting a relic-type item. Here we will go through how to get the item and unlock the limit break.

Read More: Vampire Survivors: How to Unlock the Grim Grimoire

How to Limit Break Weapons in Vampire Survivors

You need to unlock the limit break before you get to do it. And you can unlock this limit break in Stage 5: Cappella Magna. If you don’t have the stage unlocked, you must unlock it at first.

To unlock stage 5, follow this path:

  1. Complete Stage 4 to unlock the bonus Moonglow stage.
  2. Start the Moonglow Stage, and around the 14-minute mark, you will get to fight a boss.
  3. Defeating the boss will transport you to a new bonus level.
  4. Here, you don’t need to fight; just keep moving in the right direction.
  5. If you die on this new level, you can restart the level from the stage selection menu.
  6. Reach the end of this new bonus level to receive the Yellow Sign.

Getting the Yellow Sign will unlock Stage 5: Cappella Magna. Now you can proceed to unlock the limit break in the game. If you already have stage 5 unlocked, you don’t need to do this section.

To unlock the Limit Break, we need to find the Great Gospel inside stage 5. The boss drops the item we are looking for. And to add to it, this boss shows up at the 30-minute mark on the stage. Unlike the reaper of other levels, this boss is beatable without much setup. So, as long as you survive for 30-minutes, you should be able to beat him.

Defeating this boss will drop the Great Gospel. Now you can level up your weapon to the max, then limit break it as long as you have all other item slots filled and maxed out.

Learn more from Vampire Survivors; How to Unlock Sir Ambrojoe, How to Unlock Peppino, and How To Unlock MissingNo in Vampire Survivors.

By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.