The first impression of the ranked changes has left the streamers surprisingly optimistic about the upcoming ranked season in Apex Legends.
Respawn has released the patch notes for Season 18 of Apex Legends. Although the developers aren’t introducing anything new to the game, the overall balance changes and quality of life update look extremely promising.
Especially the weapon and Legend-related changes have left the community surprised. Most players think that these changes will definitely shift the ranked and competitive meta quite a bit.
Moreover, after the massive backlash from the season 17 ranked changes, Respawn made huge rank-related changes for the upcoming season. For now, the rank changes look extremely promising, and streamers and pro players share the same opinion.
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Streamers are Happy with the Ranked Changes
After the Season 18 official patch notes went live, popular pro players and streamers such as ImperialHal, Mande, and Nicewigg gave their verdict on the new ranked changes. And they are surprisingly happy with how the changes look on paper.
ImperialHal’s reaction to the Season 18 ranked update surprised everyone the most. The pro player is usually known for criticizing almost every aspect of the game. However, this time, ImperialHal actually liked the ranked changes especially because of the new LP adjustments.
Mande and Nicewigg are also on the same page with ImperialHal. Both of these popular streamers are really impressed with the overall ranked changes that Season 18 is bringing to the table.
Will the Ranked Changes Actually Work?
Apex Legends has made several revisions to the ranked system since its introduction. However, the biggest changes were made to it in Season 13 and Season 17. The community harshly criticized both of the changes for their glaring flaws.
Nonetheless, Respawn always takes note of the changes and makes the necessary adjustments to gradually improve the ranked system. Season 18 will be no different. In their official Season 18 patch notes, Respawn has already disclosed the majority of changes.
For now, the ranked changes look very promising on paper. If the changes go according to how Respawn planned, it will make the ranked mode more competitive and fun to play at every rank level.
Moreover, the number of Masters should also reduce due to the LP adjustment for Diamond+ players. So, in Season 18, we should see a bell-shaped rank distribution. Nonetheless, not everything goes according to plan. So, we’ll have to wait a few days to find out how the new rank system turns out.
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