Starfield: Top 5 Best Shotguns in Starfield

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
7 Min Read

Shotguns are one of those weapons you need to blast away your enemies from up close. Here are the best shotguns in Starfield.

Starfield is the upcoming game from Bethesda, the studio behind some legendary titles like Skyrim and Fallout 4. Unlike Skyrim and Fallout 4, this cosmic sci-fi game offers an endless adventure into the galactic universe. Now, what do you need to conquer the cosmic world of Starfield? You need weapons. Lots of weapons.

Shotguns are short-range weapons that will blow your enemies to smithereens. They trade accuracy and range for sheer stopping power at close quarters. So if you like getting up close and personal with foes before blasting them into chunks, shotguns are for you.

Though all shotguns weren’t created equal in Starfield, they have different strengths and weaknesses. In this guide, we will look at the best five shotguns in Starfield.

Top 5 Best Shotguns in Starfield

5. Shotty

Shotty (Shotgun)

Shotty is the ultimate crowd sweeper. When you need a weapon to overwhelm your foes at point-blank range, trust the lightweight Shotty. This rapid-fire shredder has 50 damage and a blazing 60 fire rate. An ideal weapon that gives a storm of pain to any enemies at close range.

You need to keep in mind that the accuracy of this weapon is 35.2 and the mag size is 12. In other words, shotguns cause pain but are only useful at short range. You can find this shotgun in different containers, and some enemies might drop it. You can also buy this weapon from Rowland Arms.

4. Experiment A-7

Experiment A-7 (Shotgun)

The Legendary Experiment A-7, aka the Exterminator of Aliens, is one of the best shotguns in Starfield. At 119 damage and 50.6 accuracy, this shotgun can shred through any Xenos in your way. The 30% damage boost against aliens makes Experiment A-7 a perfect xenocide machine.

To get this weapon, you need to unlock Final Glimpse’s main mission. Then you need to visit Freya III and finish the mission Entangled. Then speak with Ethan and ask him about any scorpions native to Freya III. You will soon see the Persuade dialogue option. Select that option, and Ethan will give you Experiment A-7. Moreover, you can check out Nishina Research Station to buy this weapon.

3. Breach

Breach (Shotgun)

Breach shotguns have a low fire rate, but what this weapon lacks is customization, You can shape this shotgun to suit your play style with a whopping 8 mod slots. Additionally, the weapon can deal 99 physical damage with 55.3 accuracy.

I would recommend loading it up with Tesla Coils and explosive rounds to specialize it for sheer demolition. Now, you can find Breach in loot containers, and some enemies can drop this weapon. Also, you can buy Breach from, Shepherd’s General Store, Rowland Arms, and Neon Tactical.

2. Big Bang

Big Bang (Shotgun)

You want devastating burst damage? The Big Bang’s insane dual 32 physical and 94 energy damage makes it the ultimate single-target shotgun nuke. You need to load annihilator rounds and watch this weapon disintegrate enemies.

Though the fire rate is 14 and the accuracy is 54.7, it lacks crowd control but obliterates solo targets. The Big Bang packs a punch with its high damage output, making it one of the best shotguns in Starfield. You can find this weapon in a number of loot containers, and if you are lucky, your enemies might drop a Big Bang.

1. Boom Boom

Boom Boom (Shotgun)

Boom Boom is by far, the best shotgun in Starfield, in my opinion. With an insane 119 damage and 60 fire rate, the weapon can shred close threats like butter. The 43.3 accuracy keeps the spread tight enough to decimate foes before unpredictable explosives finish them off. Also, the 20-mag size makes this weapon ideal for total chaotic crowd control.

You can buy this weapon from Neon Tactical store in the Neon City, Neon, located in Volii Alpha in Starfield.

How to know which shotgun is for you?

Consider your style. Are explosives and effects or raw rapid fire more your speed? Nuke solo targets or mow down crowds? Shred Xenos or customized mods? Assess ammo needs, range, and damage types too.

The point is, think about how you want to play. Are you a run-and-gunner who likes to spam shells fast? Pick the Shotty. Do you prefer utility and customization? Grab the Breach. Is max close-quarters damage your goal, ammo be damned? Big Bang’s your bang.

Once you settle on a shotgun, tweak it to your style. Customize the crap out of it. The mods really let you tailor-fit your weapon. Moreover, don’t forget your skills and perks. Shotgun Certification, Ballistics, Stealth, Incapacitation — they all boost shotgun damage. Max the right ones for you.

In the end, no shotgun is objectively the “best.” Therefore, the best shotgun is whatever feels right for your play style and build. Experiment, get a feel for each one, and embrace the shotgun that clicks with you. One piece of timeless wisdom holds true: With the right shotgun by your side, you’ll have a blast in Starfield.

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.