Starfield: All Trade Authority Locations

Adib Pritom
By Adib Pritom
4 Min Read
Starfield: All Trade Authority Locations

Here are all the trade authority locations in Starfield.

Starfield has fantastic weapons, characters, a good story, and many other small activities the players can do. These activities have made the player’s space exploration journey much more exciting. While exploring the thousands of planets in the game, the players will discover several items they can pick up.

These items are usually stored in the player’s inventory or ship’s storage. However, they all have a fixed capacity, and no player can carry unlimited items. All items in Starfield have a particular value for which they can be sold. The players might encounter several rare or valuable things they can pick up throughout their journey.

By selling these rare items, the players can easily earn some credits. All these items can be sold in the Trade Authority centers spread across the settled systems. Moreover, the players can also sell contraband or stolen items to the trade authority to avoid jail in Starfield.

All Trade Authority Locations

trade authority location new atlantis
Credits: Bethesda Games

New Atlantis Trade Authority: The Well

The Well is one of the trade authorities in New Atlantis. It is located below the central city. Players can reach the trade authority location by traveling to MAST using the train and the elevator to get to The Well from the MAST train station. Keep heading forward, and you will eventually reach the trade authority near Kay’s House.

Chthonia Trade Authority: The Den

The Den is a trade authority located on a space station around Chthonia of the Wolf Star system. You can quickly sell your stolen items or contraband here since this system doesn’t scan ships for contraband before permitting them to land.

Cydonia Trade Authority

The Cydonia Trade Authority is located on Mars in the Sol Star System. It can be found downstairs using the ramp if the players land in the Cydonia’s Central Hub landing spot. After going downstairs, turn right, and you will find the trade authority.

Neon Trade Authority

The Neon Trade Authority is pretty simple to reach. It is located on the Neon planet of the Volii Alpha System. Upon landing on Neon, the trade authority will be on the left-hand side.

Akila Trade Authority

The Akila Trade Authority is behind the GalBank of the Cheyenne Star System in Akila. The players are required to visit GalBank in Akila City earlier during The Empty Nest mission with Sam Coe. The GalBank is located near the Hitching Post.

The Key Trade Authority

The Key Trade Authority is located in the Key Space Station in the Kryx System. However, the area is heavily controlled by the Crimson Fleet. So, you can only enter the trade authority location if you have joined the Crimson Fleet.

By Adib Pritom Guide Writer
Adib Pritom is a Guide writer at GameRiv. Adib isn't just a writer but a gamer at heart. You can find him battling it out in his favourite FPS games when he is not busy creating his latest guide.