We got further confirmation that Riot is working on a Season Start Cinematic for Season 14 in League of Legends.
While League of Legends currently has quite a few good things that have happened thus far, a lot of issues popped up at the start of the year. Technical issues like the social engineering attack delayed patches, and some bugs and conflicts with certain apps also popped up.
While it is true that you cannot please everyone. However, handicapping yourself by making mistakes also causes a lot of trouble. One of Riot’s biggest mistakes this year is the Cinematic that came out for Season 13. We learned later that they had to remake it for some issues.
This caused a lot of conflict between the players and Riot as a whole. Since then, Riot has apologized and has tried to roll out dev update videos to inform the players of things they are working on. Also, Riot recently came out with Patch 13.14, which introduced Arena 2v2v2v2 and Tournament of Souls.
Also, Riot once again affirmed their promise of having a Season Start Cinematic for Season 14. Here is what Riot has said recently so far.
Read More: Riot Hotfixes Arena Again on LoL Patch 13.15
Season 14 Cinematic Update
Recently on Reddit, Riot Meddler confirmed once more in a comment that Season 14 Cinematic is coming in January 2024. In a past video, Riot promised they would make one for Season 14. This new update tells us about the fact that Riot is working towards that promise.
It was mentioned previously that Riot is going to integrate some of those champions that were supposed to be in the Season 13 cinematic. Thus, we will have to wait and see what we get. Hopefully, Riot will put more work into it, and things won’t come out botched.