League of Legends Patch 13.14 Notes: New Changes, Release Date, and More

Shadman Sabik Zaim
By Shadman Sabik Zaim
24 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

After quite a while, League of Legends is set to receive Patch 13.14, one of the biggest patches of the year.

Riot has been on a break for the Summer, preparing for one of the biggest patches of League of Legends. The wait is almost over, as Patch 13.14 is set to come out soon. This patch has a lot of stuff coming, with the popular Arena 2v2v2v2 game mode, the latest Assassin release, Naafiri, and more.

Naafiri is going to be quite popular, given the type of champion she is and the playstyle she will promote. Thus, Riot has already talked about Naafiri helping players learn how to play assassins.

We will also be getting the new Arena 2v2v2v2 game mode. This is going to bring a lot of people back to the game and experience the new mode. We have already done articles for all the Augments in the game.

Lastly, we are getting the balance changes and the Soul Fighters skin line. As we have not had a patch in a while, this one is going to be massive. Soul Fighters Samira will be the headliner of the skin line.

With all that said, here are all the changes and new things coming in Patch 13.14.

Read More: League of Legends Your Shop 2023: Dates, How It Works, and More

Release Date

League of Legends Patch 13.14 is expected to be released on Wednesday, June 19, 2023.

LoL Patch 13.14 release time and server maintenance:

  • NA: 3:00 AM PT
  • EUW: 5:00 UK time
  • EUNE: 3:00 CET

LoL Patch 13.14 Notes

As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of stuff coming in this patch. We have a lot to cover with the balance changes, Soul Fighters skin line, Naafiri, and new game mode. Thus, let’s kick off with the new champion Naafiri.

New Champion: Naafiri

The latest champion, Naafiri, is coming to League of Legends in Patch 13.14. Riot has showcased what the champion can do and has talked about a lot more. Here are all of the details of the champion.

Passive – We Are More:

Her passive allows the creation of Packmate, which attack champions and deal damage. There is also a limit to how many packmates there can be and more stuff. Here are all the details.

  • Packmates:
    • Spawn Time: One every (30 – 15, based on level) seconds.
    • Number Limit: 2 – 3 (based on level)
    • Normal Physical Damage: (6 – 30, based on level) + 4.5% bonus physical damage.
    • Physical Damage After Using Ability: (8 – 39, based on level) + 5.85% bonus physical damage.
    • Hitting champions and large monsters with Abilities reduces the Packmate cooldown by 4 seconds.
    • Killing enemies reduced it by 0.5 seconds.
    • Packmates take (76 – 50%, based on level) damage from AOE Abilities and effects.
    • Packmates take 50% damage from non-epic monsters and minions.

Q – Darkin Daggers

In this Ability, Naafiri throws daggers that cause a bleeding effect and deal damage. The Ability can also be recast for more effects, and Packmates also trigger an attack when you Darkin Daggers.

  • Initial Cast:
    • Blade Physical Damage: 25/35/45/55/65 (+ 20% bonus damage).
    • Bleed Physical Damage: 30/65/100/135/170 (+ 80% bonus damage) over 5 seconds.
  • Second Cast:
    • Does extra damage based on Missing Health.
    • Minimum Extra Bleed Physical Damage: 35/50/65/80/95 (+70% bonus damage).
    • Maximum Extra Bleed Physical Damage: 70/85/100/115/130 (+140% bonus damage).
    • Healing (if hitting Champion): 45/65/85/105/125 (+40% bonus physical damage) Health.
  • Packmates leap at the first champion hit and attack them for 3 seconds.
  • Mana Cost: 55/60/65/70/75.
  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7.

W – Hounds’ Pursuit:

This is a dash ability where Naafiri dashes towards a direction and stops at the first champion she hits. This deals damage and slows the target, and allows Packmates to jump with her. Packmates are Untargetable during the ability. Hounds’ Pursuit also gets a range bonus based on Ultimate rank.

  • Dash Damage: 30/70/110/150/190 (+ 80% bonus physical damage).
  • Damage Per Packmate: 3 (+ 8% bonus physical damage).
  • Mana Cost: 70/60/50/40/30.
  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16/14.

E – Eviscerate:

Naafiri dashes towards enemies and deals damage in an area alongside Packmates and then walks back. Packmates also recall alongside Naafiri and heals 100% Health.

  • Damage (First Slash): 35/55/75/95/115.
  • Damage (Second Slash): 65/105/145/185/225.
  • Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9.

R – The Call of the Pack:

This ability has a passive and an active. The Passive grants E – Hounds’ Pursuit extra range while the active enhances her and her Packmates.

  • Passive:
    • Hounds’ Pursuit Extra Range: 80/160/240.
  • Active:
    • Physical Damage Gained: 10/20/30 (+ 15/20/25% bonus physical damage).
    • She empowers her Pack and spawns 2/3/4 additional Packmates for 15 seconds.
      • Empowered Packmates gain 25% Health, and their spawn Cooldown is reduced by 50%.
    • Naafiri also gains vision of her surroundings and a 70/85/100% bonus Movement Speed for 4 seconds that decays over time.
    • Movement Speed reduces to 35/42.5/50% on taking damage.
    • After cast, the first time she hits a champion, she gains [(125/325/525) (+ 50% bonus damage)] Shield for 3 seconds.
    • All effects are refreshed on the first champion takedown (kill/assist).
  • Mana Cost: 100 Mana.
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds.

Champion Buffs

Seven champions will receive a buff in this patch. Sion was set to receive some, and then it was pulled from the patch. A lot of these buffs seem to be aimed at solo queue and improving the states of many champions. Here are all the champions receiving buffs.


The champion has not found a good place in 2023 after shining in Worlds 2022. Now, Riot is buffing the champion, giving him more damage on his Q – The Darkin Blade and more waveclear. His Q damage is increasing in terms of total AD as opposed to more damage at base value.

  • Q – The Darkin Blade:
    • First Cast Damage: 10/30/50/70/90 (+ 60/65/70/75/80) >>> 10/25/40/55/70 (+ 60/70/80/90/100).
    • Minion Damage: 55% >>> 55/60/65/70% (level 1/6/11/16).


Riot is giving Diana some more usability on her W – Pale Cascade by giving more Shield and Damage per Orb. Also, Her E – Lunar Rush is getting better scaling based on AP. These changes will help Diana scale better with AP and perhaps go for a more mage-type build than the attack speed build.

  • W – Lunar Cascade:
    • Shield Strength: 40/55/70/85/100 (+ 25% AP)(+ 9% bonus Health) >>> 45/60/75/90/105 (+ 30% AP)(+ 9% bonus Health).
    • Damage Per Orb: 18/30/42/54/66 (+ 15% AP) >>> 18/30/42/54/66 (+ 18% AP).
  • E – Lunar Rush:
    • Damage: 50/70/90/110/130 (+ 50% AP) >>> 50/70/90/110/130 (+ 60% AP).


Coming to Lissandra, she is getting a lot of changes. Many of them are about logic improvements on her Passive and other abilities. The rest are just buffs to improve her kit. Overall, this should force players make adjustments as to how to play with and against Lissandra now. While the numbers are not changing much, the mechanisms of her kit are.

  • Passive – Iceborn Subjugation:
    • Frozen Thralls no longer stops at final frames before detonation.
    • Thralls will not follow enemies into a brush if they are chased.
    • Frozen Thralls are visible to enemies through fog of war.
  • Q – Ice Shard:
    • Slows all enemies instead of slowing the first target that is hit.
    • Ice Shard missile casts from post-cast position to pre cast position.
  • R – Frozen Tomb:
    • Minimum Heal Amount: 90/140/190 (+ 25% AP) [Increased by 0 -100% based on missing Health] >>> 100/150/200 (+ 55% AP) [Increased by 0 -100% based on missing Health (max 30% HP)].
    • Slow/AoE Damage Refresh Timer: 0.25 seconds >>> 0.0625 seconds.
    • Frozen Tomb logic updated to stop dashes.

Shaco (AD)

His Q – Deceive now has better AD scaling while more Backstab Critical Damage. Also, there are some bugfixes for his R where the clone can propagate Prowler’s Claw.

  • Q – Deceive:
    • Bonus Damage: 25/35/45/55/65 (+ 50% bonus AD) >>> 25/35/45/55/65 (+ 60% bonus AD).
    • Backstab Bonus Critical Damage: 40% >>> 55%.
  • R – Hallucinate:
    • Bugfixes
    • Properly propagates Prowler’s Claw Passive to clone.


While Shyvana has become more popular as a champion that builds AP, Riot is trying to change that. Her Q is getting more AD scaling along with more effects that is more conducive to the AD build strategy.

  • Q – Twin Bite:
    • AD Ratio: 20/35/50/65/80% Total AD >>> 20/40/60/80/100% Total AD.
    • [New] The next two attacks have 40/45/50/55/60% increased Attack Speed after the use of Twin Bite.
    • Cooldown: 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6.
  • E – Flame Breath:
    • Mark Damage On Hit: 3% of target Maximum Health >>> 3% of target Maximum Health + 1% per 100 Bonus AD.


More AP ratio to Volibear’s Passive and more healing based on Missing Health damage on his W – Frenzied Maul.

  • Passive – The Relentless Storm:
    • AP Ratio: 40% >>> 50%.
  • W – Frenzied Maul:
    • Missing Health Healing: 8/10/12/14/16 of his Missing Health >>> 8/11/14/17/20 of his Missing Health


In this patch, Xerath is getting quite a few changes. His overall mana pool is reducing, and Passive Cooldown is increasing. However, to compensate for that, Xerath’s Passive reduces the cooldown for every unit killed and basic attacks on structures. Then, we have his R – Rite of the Arcane getting more charges, bonus damage per Champion hit but reduced base damage.

  • Base Stats:
    • Mana: 459 >>> 400.
  • Passive – Mana Surge:
    • Cooldown: 12 seconds >>> 16 seconds.
    • The Passive cooldown reduces by 2 seconds for every unit kill and proc’s on structures.
  • R – Rite of the Arcane:
    • Recasts: 3/4/5 >>> 4/5/6.
    • Damage: 200/250/300 (+ 45% AP) >>> 180/230/280 (+ 40% AP).
    • Bonus Damage Per Champion Hit: 20/25/30 (+ 5% AP).


There are many changes coming for Zyra as it is mostly around plants. Plants will be harder to kill with AOE attacks, but it dies faster on ranged auto attacks. Meanwhile, her Plants will do more damage to monsters now and now do constant damage than be based on a percentage. Other than that, the rest are just mechanical changes.

  • Plants:
    • Damage Taken From AoE Spell: 4 >>> 3.
    • Damage Taken From Ranged Auto Attacks: 4 >>> 5.
    • Damage to Monsters: 150% to non-epic monsters >>> 40 – 100 bonus magic damage (scaling with level) to all monsters.
  • W – Rampant Growth:
    • Seeds at First Rankup: 1 >>> 2.
  • E – Grasping Roots:
    • No longer locks out Flash summoner spell during the cast.
  • R – Stranglethorns:
    • Cast Paradigm: Wall to Position >>> Casts at Maximum Range.
    • Missile Damage Update: 0.25 seconds >>> 0.0625 seconds.

Champion Nerfs

The list of nerfs is bigger than the buffs, as 9 champions are receiving some changes. Milio, Kindred, and Rell are receiving some nerfs for their pro-play viability, while Rek’Sai is finally getting nerfed after several patches of being one of the best junglers in the game. Here is the list of champions getting nerfs.


He was getting too tanky due to the bonus resistances on his W – Spirit of Dread. Thus, the bonus resistances are getting reduced.

  • W – Spirit of Dread:
    • Bonus Resistances: 15/20/25/30/35 >>> 10/15/20/25/30.


His E – Counter Strike cooldown is increasing while his R – Grandmaster-At-Arms is getting more mana cost.

  • E – Counter Strike:
    • Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 seconds >>> 15/13.5/12/10.5/9 seconds.
  • R – Grandmaster-At-Arms:
    • Mana Cost: 50 >>> 100.


The damage of Karthus’ Q is decreasing early on. Meanwhile, his E will not refund less mana after a unit is killed.

  • Q – Lay Waste:
    • Damage: 45/62.5/80/97.5/115 (Doubled when Isolated) >>> 43/61/79/97/115 (Doubled when Isolated).
    • Monster Damage Modifier: 95% >>> 100%.
  • E – Defile:
    • Passive Mana Refund: 15/25/35/45/55 >>> 10/20/30/40/50.


Many of the Base Stats are changing while Q – Dance of Arrows is getting higher cooldown and lower damage.

  • Base Stats:
    • Health: 580 >>> 610.
    • Armor: 29 >>> 26.
  • Q – Dance of Arrows:
    • Cooldown: 8 seconds >>> 9 seconds.
    • Base Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 40/65/90/115/140.


This Enchanter has been a menace in Pro Play. Now, Riot is getting putting some nerfs in, reducing her burn damage and Movement Speed from his E – Warm Hugs.

  • Passive: Fired Up!:
    • Burn Damage: 25 – 80 (based on level) >>> 15 – 50 (based on level).
  • E – Warm Hugs:
    • Bonus Movement Speed: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25 >>> 12/14/16/18/20.


The champion has been pretty strong since her Mini-Rework release. Now, Riot is nerfing some of those stats in order to stop her from being too strong.

  • Base Stats:
    • Armor: 39 >>> 36.
  • Passive – Break The Mold:
    • Resistance Steal Per Stack: 3% >>> 2%.
    • Maximum Resistance Steal: 15% >>> 10%.


The overall damage potential of Rengar is decreasing while Health Regeneration is being reduced.

  • Base Stats:
    • Health Regeneration: 7 >>> 6.
  • Q – Savagery:
    • Critical Strike Conversion: 95% >>> 75%.


Finally, Rek’Sai is getting some nerfs as her damage is reducing for her W and E.

  • W – Unburrow:
    • Damage: 55/70/85/100/115 >>> 50/65/80/95/110.
  • E – Furious Bite:
    • Damage: 55/60/65/70/75 (+ 85% Bonus AD) >>> 5/10/15/20/25 (+ 70% Total AD).

Champion Adjustments

Only one champion is getting adjusted, and that is Yorick. It’s mostly going to be Bug Fixes for Lifesteal Interactions. That is the only thing coming for Yorick in this patch.

System Buffs

Six buffs are coming, with 6 items getting buffs. Jungle treats were supposed to receive changes, but it was pulled from the patch. The philosophy of the item changes is to make things better for underutilized builds and make them more viable. Jungle treats are getting buffed in terms of gold because there are other nerfs in the jungle. Thus, here is the list of System buffs.

Axiom Arc

The Ultimate Cooldown Refund is increasing as it will now be based on total Lethality.

  • Unique Passive – Flux:
    • Cooldown Refund: 20% Total >>> 5% + 40% Total Lethality.

Prowler’s Claw

Just a lethality increase for Prowler’s Claw to make Assassins a bit stronger.

  • Lethality: 15 >>> 18.

Randuin’s Omen

This item has not been as popular so the Critical Strike damage reduction is increasing.

  • Unique Passive – Critical Resilience:
    • Critical Strike Damage Reduction: 20% >>> 25%.

Spear of Shojin

The cost of Spear of Shojin is increasing while it provides more Health. This will now be a better option for Bruisers.

  • Cost: 3400 Gold >>> 3300 Gold.
  • Health: 300 >>> 350.

Spirit Visage

The MR on this Spirit Visage is increasing to make it more of a viable option against Mages.

  • Magic Resistance: 50 >>> 60.

Sterak’s Gage

Similar to Spear of Shojin, Sterak’s Gage is getting the same changes. Less cost and more Health on the item and it makes Bruisers slightly better.

  • Cost: 3100 Gold >>> 3000 Gold.
  • Health: 400 >>> 450.

System Nerfs

Only one item is getting nerfed, and that is Galeforce. This item has been a popular choice for too many ADCs, and Riot is finally coming down on the item.


The cooldown for Galeforce Active is going up thirty seconds, so it will not be as good as an execution or safety net for ADCs.

  • Unique Active: Cloudburst:
    • Cooldown: 90 seconds >>> 120 seconds.

System Adjustments

There are many system buffs coming. Ghost is getting some changes to stop ADCs from abusing it and many other jungle and item changes. Items like Statikk Shiv and Trinity Force are getting changes to adjust certain usabilities, while Infinity Edge needs proper changes since becoming a Mythic.

Lastly, more Jungle Buff changes to tackle early game ganking viability and power.

Blue Buff

The Ability Haste granted by Blue Buff is now changed from static to scaling. It will break even with the current value at level 6 and then get higher from level 11 and onwards.

  • Ability Haste: 10 >>> 5/10/15/20 at level 1/6/11/16.


The Summoner Spell will last longer but does not extend when you get a kill. This makes it good on occasion and does not create a situation where the ADC can perma run at the enemy and do chase down kills.

  • Duration: 10 seconds >>> 14 seconds.
  • Duration no longer extends on takedown.

Infinity Edge

The item is getting a slight AD nerf while the Crit Damage is increasing quite a bit.

  • Attack Damage: 70 >>> 65.
  • Crit Damage: 35% >>> 45%.

Red Buff

The scaling on the Burn damage is being changed for Red Buff. Also, the Melee Slow effect is reduced early in the game and scales differently.

  • Burn Damage Over 3 Seconds: 10 – 78 (linear scaling based on level) >>> 10 at levels 1-5, then scales 5 per level (75 at level 18).

Statikk Shiv

More nerfs are coming for Statikk Shiv as its Electroshock damage is reducing for minions while also changing the scaling on the damage. This should reduce waveclear, and the scaling starts later on now.

  • Unique Passive – Electroshock:
    • Damage: 250 – 450 (25 per level from level 7 – 10. Then, the scaling changes to 12.5 starting at level 11) >>> 250 – 350 (10 per level starting at level 9).

Trinity Force

The overall Attack Speed is slightly reduced, while it’s passive is stronger for the first few attacks.

  • Attack Speed: 35% >>> 33%.
  • Unique Passive – Threefold Strike:
    • Attack Damage Increase: 4% per Stack (max 5 Stacks) >>> 6% per Stack (max 3 Stacks).

New Game Mode: Arena

Finally, League of Legends is getting a new game mode. The version in PBE is already a massive hit amongst the player base. It is a game mode where four teams of two players fight it out, and the last team standing wins.

It sort of embodies a TFT-like system, except there is no auto-battling, and it relies more on player expression. There are certain windows for getting Augments to make your champions stronger, while windows to use shops to buy items and potions.

Not to mention that the game mode has several types of maps, cameos, and the like. It will be a lot of fun to play this mode after the full release. To note, Yuumi is banned in the game mode for obvious reasons.

Arena 2v2v2v2 Game Mode
Image Credit: Riot Games


Part of the Soul Fighter skin line is coming in this patch, which perfectly pairs up with the new game mode. This is a massive skin line of 12 cosmetics divided into two patches. For Patch 13.14, we will be getting 6 skins that include the latest Ultimate skin, Soul Fighter Samira, and a Prestige skin for Pyke. Here they all are.

Soul Fighter Lux

soul fighter lux
Image Credit: Riot Games

Soul Fighter Naafiri

soul fighter naafiri
Image Credit: Riot Games

Soul Fighter Pyke

soul fighters pyke
Image Credit: Riot Games

Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke

prestige soul figher pyke
Image Credit: Riot Games

Soul Fighter Samira (Ultimate)

soul fighter samira
Image Credit: Riot Games

Soul Fighter Sett

soul fighter sett
Image Credit: Riot Games

By Shadman Sabik Zaim Deputy Editor
Shadman is a Deputy Editor of League of Legends and other Riot IPs (excluding VALORANT) at GameRiv. He is a computer science and engineering graduate who got into games pretty early. Also, he takes pride in trying multiple types of games and got into League of Legends pretty early. Games, Board Games, Writing, Music, and Sports are his passions and hobbies.