Riot Confirms Neeko Mini-Rework for League of Legends 2022

Fahim Shahriar
By Fahim Shahriar
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Riot Games

Our favorite shapeshifting Vastayan, Neeko, will receive a mid-scope update later this year.

This year we have received many champions reworks, and almost all of them were well received by the fans. The Ahri, Taliyah, and Sivir mini-reworks have been very successful and have increased their pick rate massively.

Moreover, in the LoL Pls video, Riot revealed that they want to update even more champions. According to Riot Reav3, they wish to “freshen up the champions that aren’t living up to the expectations of the players who love them.”

In a video posted recently on their League of Legends youtube channel, Riot Games announced that they would be reworking Neeko and Syndra later this year. However, in the video, Riot Reav3 also stated that it would not be a full-scale rework but a mid-scope update.

YouTube video

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Neeko’s Mini-Rework in League of Legends

Our favorite shape-shifter has been in a bad spot ever since her release. She currently has no real identity. She is mostly played in the mid-lane but sometimes in the top lane with the on-hit build. In addition, her pick rate as it stands in both mid and top lanes is quite poor.

Although Neeko was designed as a mid-laner, she can not compete with the current mid-lane champions. So, Riot is planning a mini-rework for her.

Riot Phlox, in a tweet, stated that he would be in charge of the rework. Fans hope her current issues will be fixed with the mini-rework and are very excited about it.

Possible Release Date of Neeko Rework

The release date for the rework has not been revealed, but they confirmed that it would be within this year. However, we believe that it will be after the world’s patch. So we might have to wait a few months.

By Fahim Shahriar League of Legends Writer
Shahriar is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv. He enjoys playing Video Games, watching Anime, and browsing the internet for outdated memes.