Riot shared an update on the release date for Quick Play in a Reddit Post.
Riot has made a lot of system additions and adjustments to make the League of Legends a better game. While many of them have not worked optimally, they are still helpful changes. More kinds of pings, along with offscreen notifications, have helped. The ward system has also undergone many changes. Wards can be pinged for gold, and the change to Oracle Lens and Farsight Alteration came through a little while ago.
In terms of game modes, we haven’t seen much, but there has been plenty of news about it. Riot has remade their game modes team and is going to release a 2v2v2v2 game mode soon. Also, Riot has said that they will bring back Nexus Blitz at some point. Meanwhile, ARAM and TFT have received balanced or system changes over the course of the year.
ARAM Clash is also returning, so it will be great to see how that goes once more. Moving onto something else to look forward to, Quick Play was announced by Riot a while back. Now, Riot Auberaun has provided an update about the game mode and when we can expect it to release. Here is what we know so far.
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Quick Play Release Date Update
On Reddit, Riot Auberaun jumped in and commented on the status of Quick Play.
In that comment, Riot Auberaun talked about fixing the matchmaking issues during the first day of the test, and the feedback has been positive. Riot had hoped to get it out before the mid-season update, but due to the upcoming Ranked changes from Split 2 and onwards, they had to delay Quick Play.
Thus, Riot will resume working on it again and will release it later in 2023. This is a fantastic update, as Normals has not been great for a while. For players, the overall game experience is bad, and in many servers, people opt for Draft Mode than Normals. Hence, getting Quick Play in to streamline matchmaking and offer a better experience for players is what Riot should strive for.
Hence, learning that Riot is going to get this out this year is excellent news. Hopefully, we will get it sooner rather than later, and it makes life better in League of Legends for players.