How To Make An Automatic Sugarcane Farm In Minecraft

Himel Mahmud
By Himel Mahmud
5 Min Read
Credit: Mojang Studios

This guide will show you how to make an automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, you need tons of different resources to make weapons, tools, food, and other necessary items to survive. As you progress in the game, you will need different types of resources in a large quantity, which will require you to build farms to harvest them on their own and save you some time.

Sugarcane is a plant that grows near water and can be used to craft sugar and paper. Paper is an important item in Minecraft that you can use to make fireworks, maps, books, and bookcases.

Harvesting sugarcane will take a lot of your time, but you can create an automated farm to save yourself time. The automated farm can harvest sugarcane for you, which you can use later for paper and sugar.

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This guide will show you how to make an automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft.

Steps to Build a Sugarcane Farm

To build a sugarcane farm, find a small flat land near your base where you plan to build the farm. Sugarcane grows automatically near a water source, so you never have to harvest again after building an automated farm. You will need the following items to make a fully automated sugarcane farm:

  • Stone Blocks
  • Glass
  • Hoppers
  • Mud
  • Pistons
  • Redstone Dust
  • Observer
  • Sugarcane
  • Chest
  • Water Buckets
Items you need to build a sugarcane farm | Credit: Mojang Studios
Items to build a sugarcane farm | Credit: Mojang Studios

First, dig six blocks in the shape of the picture and place a chest to collect the sugarcanes automatically. You can make this farm smaller or bigger based on your preference. Place hoppers connecting to the chest on the ground to collect the sugarcanes.

Hoppers to collect the sugarcanes | Credit: Mojang Studios
Hoppers to collect the sugarcanes | Credit: Mojang Studios

Place mud blocks on the hoppers where the sugarcanes will grow, and place some blocks behind the mud. Place water with a bucket behind the mud blocks, keeping them wet for the sugarcanes to grow. You can use dirt or sand blocks as an alternative option to plant the sugarcanes.

Placing mud and water for the farm | Credit: Mojang Studios
mud and water for the farm | Credit: Mojang Studios

Plant the sugarcane on the mud and place blocks behind them. You cannot plant the sugarcane until the mud, dirt, or sand does not come in contact with water. Now, place the pistons facing the sugarcane on top of the blocks behind the sugarcane.

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Placing pistons | Credit: Mojang Studios
Placing pistons | Credit: Mojang Studios

After placing the pistons, start placing blocks behind the pistons to place the observers. Place the observers on the pistons and make sure they are facing towards the sugarcanes. When sugarcanes will grow, the pistons will break them.

Placing observers | Credit: Mojang Studios
Placing observers | Credit: Mojang Studios

After placing the observers, put a row of redstone behind them to link them and create a functioning sugarcane farm. When the sugarcanes grow, the observers will detect them, and the pistons will break the top of the sugarcane.

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Placing redstone to link the observers | Credit: Mojang Studios
redstone to link the observers | Credit: Mojang Studios

Now, place some stone blocks and glass around the sugarcane so they will end up in the chest when the pistons break them. Your automatic sugarcane farm is now ready for you to collect when needed.

Working sugarcane Farm | Credit: Mojang Studios
Working sugarcane Farm | Credit: Mojang Studios

When the sugarcane grows, the pistons will break them at the top, and they will fall down the hoppers to the connected chest automatically. Break a dirt block before the chest to collect the sugarcane whenever possible.

Collecting sugarcane | Credit: Mojang Studios
Collecting sugarcane | Credit: Mojang Studios

That is how you can create an automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft to collect unlimited paper and sugar. You can make the sugarcane farm very compact or large, depending on how much you need.

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By Himel Mahmud Guide Writer
Himel Mahmud is a Staff Writer and Social Media Manager at GameRiv. A former FIFA Professional, Himel has been playing video games forever. He plays video games passionately, loves football and an avid music listener.