Exploring Villager Jobs and Workstations in Minecraft

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
2 Min Read
Credit: Mojang Studios

Minecraft has many different jobs for the villagers depending on what workstation they have. Here, we have listed all the workstations in the game.

Minecraft was released as a survival crafting game. But over time, the game received a lot of different updates, which transformed it into something much more than just a crafting survival game. The redstones allow players to build complex machines which are capable of doing various things.

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Among the many different mechanics Minecraft has, the villager job system is an interesting one. Villagers with workstations allow themselves to gain a job. Depending on the job, they sell different items. Here is a list that shows what job a villager will take depending on the workstation block.

List of All Workstations in Minecraft

Job NameBlock Required
ArmourerBlast Furnace
CartographerCartography Table
ClericBrewing Stand
FletcherFletching Table
ToolsmithSmitthing Table
WeaponsmithSmithing Table
credit: mojang studios

Villagers in a village gets jobs based on the available blocks. If a villager doesn’t have a job, you can assign one by placing the required block nearby. This allows them to automatically obtain the corresponding job. Find out how to assign jobs in Minecraft villages here.

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By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.