Fiddlesticks, Lux, Gangplank, and Hecarim are to receive buffs in patch 10.11

Ali Ahmed Akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib
3 Min Read
Image: Riot games

Patch 10.11 featuring Fiddlesticks, Lux, Gangplank, and Hecarim buffs.

Patch 10.11 has been all about buffing ADCs so that they can be relevant in the meta once again. But, League of Legends’ lead gameplay designer, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, revealed they are also targeting other champions, which includes Fiddlesticks, Lux, Gangplank, and Hecarim buffs and Graves, Talon, Janna, and Syndra nerf.

All the changes are hitting PBE soon for testing and will ship into the live servers on patch 10.11.

Fiddlesticks Buff Patch 10.11

  • Passive: TIME BEFORE EFFIGY POSING 1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
  • Q: Will terrify enemies when casting while posing as an effegy
  • W: Damage to minions 60% ⇒ 40%

Since his rework in patch 10.7, Fiddle is not having fun in the summoner’s rift. He has undergone three buffs already, but apparently, Riot is planning to buff him again in patch 10.11. Not to mention, Fiddlesticks currently has the highest win rate in the jungle, according to

In Diamond+ Elo, where people understand how to use him properly, he has a 51% win rate. But he is quite suffering in the lower Elos, which might be the main reason why he is getting buffs in patch 10.11.

Lux Buff Patch 10.11

  • E: DETONATION SLOW Additional 0.25 seconds after damaged by E2 ⇒ Additional 1 second after damaged by E2

Lux might be getting new skins in almost every new patch, but her current state is devastating. She neither has a good win rate in Mid-lane nor in the support. Although her win rate is around 50% below Plat Elo, her win rate in Diamond+ Elo fell drastically. And with this 10.11 buff, she might find some breathing room once again.

Gangplank Buff Patch 10.11

  • Attack speed ratio: 0.658 > 0.69

Gangplank has a below 50% win rate in almost all Elos, and finally, Riot Games is buffing him in patch 10.11. Gangplank might not be everyone’s bread and butter, but this buff might help him regain some of his power once again.

Hecarim Buff Patch 10.11

  • Q: Damage 55/95/135/175/215 ⇒ 60/102/144/186/228, Minion Damage reduction 33.3% ⇒ 40%

Unlike Gangplank, Hecarim was buffed recently, but he is still striving to get above 50% win rate. As a result, Riot Games is buffing Hecarim in patch 10.11 so that he can compete against other junglers.

ali ahmed akib
By Ali Ahmed Akib Editor-in-chief
Ali Ahmed Akib is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-chief of GameRiv. Akib grew up playing MOBA titles, especially League of Legends and is currently managing the editorial team of GameRiv.