Riot has unveiled that Caitlyn, Camille, Gwen, Nami, Taliyah, Yasuo, and Yone are receiving massive buffs in patch 13.15.
As patch 13.14 was the summer 2023 event, it was one of the most extensive updates we have seen this year.
Riot released many new exciting contents to League of Legends during that time. Firstly, we received a new event called Soul Fighter. It included a new event pass alongside new rewards. Additionally, after a long time, we have gotten a new game mode in the form of Arena. It is a 2v2v2v2 game mode with its own mechanics.
Moreover, Riot also released an in-client metagame called Tournament of Souls. It is a fighting game-style game mode with its own lore. Even though it is really short, it offers some unique rewards.
In terms of balance, patch 13.14 included a considerable amount of changes. They buffed many highly picked champions but with abysmal win rates, like Diana, Aatrox, Volibear, etc.
For the upcoming patch, Riot is looking at buffing some underpowered champions. RiotPhroxzon recently revealed all the upcoming changes to patch 13.15. they announced that Caitlyn, Gwen, Nami, Taliyah, Yasuo, and Yone would receive significant buffs in the upcoming patch 13.15.
Read more: League of Legends Patch 13.15 Notes.
Patch 13.15 Buffs
Caitlyn Buffs
- Passive critical hit chance ratio: 1.2 >>> 1.3.
- R crit ratio: 2.5% damage per 10% crit >>> 3.5% damage per 10% crit.
Even though the current meta is favorable for ADCs, Caitlyn is one of the champions falling behind. While both crit and lethality builds are viable on her, she doesn’t particularly accel at them. Because if you want to play both crit and lethality, champions like Jhin and Draven are far stronger.
As buffing the ADC items is out of the question currently due to most ADC champions being strong, Riot will be buffing Caitlyn in the upcoming patch 13.15.
Camille Buffs
- Attack damage growth: 3.5 >>> 3.8.
- R on-hit base damage: 5-15 >>> 20-40.
Gwen Buffs
- Health regeneration: 8.5 >>> 9.
- W resists: 17-25 +7% ability power >>> 22-30 +7% ability power.
Individually, Gwen has not been a strong champion. One of the only reasons she is picked is because she is an easy counter against tanks. But besides that, she gets countered by most meta top-laners.
Gwen currently holds an abysmal 47.82% win rate, making her 4th worse top-laners in solo queue. Additionally, Gwen is receiving a new skin, Soul Fighter Gwen. Because of it, Riot is buffing Gwen in the next major patch.
Nami Buffs
- Q damage: 75-295 >>> 90-310.
- Passive move speed: 90 to 100.
- Passive ability power ratio: 20 >>> 25% ability power.
Ever since the nerfs to Lucian, Nami’s play and win rates have also significantly decreased. Before, she synergized well with only him, but she struggled in the meta after the changes.
Right now, Nami holds the second-lowest win rate with 45.26%. Besides Yuumi, no other champions ever reached such low rates in a long time. And for that reason, Nami will receive some buffs in the upcoming update.
Taliyah Buffs
- Q damage: 45-125 >>> 50-130.
- E cooldown: 18-14 >>> 16-14.
- E damage to monsters: 150 >>> 175%.
Taliyah has been one of the most mediocre champions in the current meta. While she is versatile in both mid and jungle, her win rates aren’t special. Additionally, her pick rate in the jungle is considerably very low.
In the jungle, her win rate is 51.01%, while her pick rate is 0.8%. Taliyah’s win rate in the mid-lane is very similar, but the pick rate is slightly higher. So we can expect some minor buffs to Taliyah in patch 13.15.
Yasuo Buffs
- Shield still 125-600 (+30 at level 3, +75 at level 6, +125 at level 9, +79 at level 16).
There are two champions in the game whose win rates are always low due to their popularity. One of them is Yasuo. After the item rework, Yasuo struggled even more than before. So Riot hotfix buffed him. Even so, he wasn’t as viable as he was before. But the situation wasn’t as bad because Galeforce was still a good option. But after recent nerfs to that item, Yasuo is back to being a weak champion. Because of it, Yasuo will be getting a buff in the next update.
Yone Buffs
- W shield: 45-65 >>> 55-75.
As mentioned before, two champions have deflated win rates because of their pick rates. While one is Yasuo, the other is his brother Yone. As for similar reasons for Yasuo, Yone also wasn’t as strong in the meta. And since Yasuo and Yone receive buffs simultaneously, Yone will also receive some equivalent buffs in the next patch.
Release Date
These buffs will hit live servers on patch 13.15, scheduled to release on Wednesday, August 2, 2023.