Best Apex Legends Keybinds for PC in 2024

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
9 Min Read
Image Credit: Respawn

Tuning keybinds in fps games to get optimal results is fairly common on the PC platform. Here we’ll guide new as well as veteran players on what keybinds are currently meta in Apex Legends.

Respawn Entertainment released Apex Legends across all the different platforms, such as PC, Playstation, Xbox, and recently on Nintendo. As this FPS battle royale game is available on the PC platform, diehard PC gamers have come up with creative keybinds that unlock the full potential of this shooter.

By using these keybinds in the game, crafty players have figured out how to use advanced movement mechanics such as bunny hopping and tap strafing to outplay their opponents in the Apex games. Before we guide you on some of the best key bind settings that every PC player should know, let us first explain what is keybinds.

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What is keybinds

Keybinds are basically additional input customization that players make to perform a certain action easier or, in some cases, execute a macro to gain an edge over their opponents. These keybinds can include keyboards & mouse shortcuts or, in some cases, a combination of both.

In Apex Legends, some crafty players have come up with keybinds that are more optimal than the default setup that Respawn Entertainment gives you while you boot up Apex for the first time.

For example, Apex players are known to bind the mouse scroll wheel up and down with dedicated movement keys like “jump” and “move forward” buttons to perform complex movement mechanics such as bunny hopping and tap strafing, respectively.

How to change keybinds

Customizing your keybinds is really simple in most other video games. And Apex Legends is not an expectation to this rule. To change your keybinds in the game, you just need to follow these simple steps.

  • First, you need to launch the game from your platform of choice on PC, such as the Origin store or Steam.
  • Then click on the settings menu icon, which is situated at the bottom left corner of the main menu. Click on it to take you directly to the settings menu.
Apex main menu
Image via Interface In Game
  • From the settings menu, go to the “MOUSE/KEYBOARD” tab.
Apex settings menu
Image via Respawn
  • Under the “MOUSE/KEYBOARD” tab, there are options to customize your keybinds for the keyboard as well as the mouse.
  • In the movement key section, there is an option to set up alternative buttons to perform the same action.
  • To change a keybind, select the section you intend to change and then press the new key input you want. Don’t forget to save any changes that you made. And you are done.

Best Keybinds for PC

Now that you know what keybinds are, let’s learn about some of the most common keybinds that Apex Legends PC players use all the time to gain an edge over their opponents in the Apex games.

Bind Jump to scroll wheel up or down

The most popular hack among the Apex Legends PC player base is to bind the jump button to either the mouse scroll wheel up or down, as it is more efficient than mashing the space button in some cases. Also, this keybind setting is required to perform bunny hopping consistently.

Apex keybinds

Crouch[Hold] to mouse’s side buttons

Having two different options available to crouch in Apex Legends can be beneficial depending upon the situation. And assigning one of the side buttons that is available on your mouse to perform Crouch[Hold] is optimal for performing bunny hopping as well as crouch spamming to dodge bullets in close-quarter encounters.

Apex keybinds
Image via Respawn

Bind ‘W’ key to scroll wheel up

This key bind is intended for advanced users as it is quite hard to master for beginners. By binding your w key to the mouse scroll wheel up you can perform tap-strafing, which is an advanced movement tech that will help you break your opponents’ ankles in the Apex games.

Apex keybinds
Image via Respawn

Keybinds of top Pro Players in Apex Legends

Here we’ll showcase what keybinds the top pro players and content creators are using at the moment so that it can guide you to experiment and figure out what works best for you.

NRG aceu

SprintLeft Shift
JumpSpace Bar, Mouse Scroll Down
Crouch (Toggle)C
Crouch (Hold)Left Ctrl
Tactical AbilityQ
Ultimate AbilityZ
Interact / PickupE
Toggle Fire ModeB
Aim Down Sight (Toggle)Not Bound
Aim Down Sight (Hold)Right Click
Cycle WeaponMouse Wheel
Equip Weapon 11
Equip Weapon 22
Holster Weapon3
Equip GrenadeG
Gibraltar Shield ToggleH
Use Health Item4


Move ForwardW
Move BackS
Move LeftA
Move RightD
SprintL Shift
JumpSpace, Mouse Scroll Down
Crouch (Toggle)C
Crouch (Hold)L Ctrl
Tactical Ability3
Ultimate Ability4
Interact / PickupE
Alternate InteractZ
InventoryTab, I
AttackLeft Click
Toggle Fire ModeB
Aim Down Sight (Hold)Right Click
MeleeL Alt
Cycle WeaponMouse Scroll Up
Equip Weapon 11
Equip Weapon 22
Holster WeaponsX
Equip GrenadeT
Use Selected Health ItemF
Character Utility ActionH
Inspect WeaponG
Open Quip Wheel / Thank YouF1
Push To Talk (Hold)K
Message Team (In Match)Enter

TSM FTX ImperialHal

SprintLeft Shift
JumpSpace Bar
Crouch (Toggle)C
Crouch (Hold)Left Ctrl
Tactical AbilityQ
Ultimate AbilityZ
Alternate InteractNot Bound
Toggle Fire ModeB
Aim Down Sight (Toggle)Not Bound
Aim Down Sight (Hold)Right Click
Cycle WeaponMouse Wheel
Equip Weapon 11
Equip Weapon 22
Holster Weapons3
Equip GrenadeG
Use Selected Health Item4
Gibraltar Shield ToggleH
Inspect WeaponN

TSM FTX Albralelie

SprintLeft Shift
JumpSpace Bar
Crouch (Toggle)C
Crouch (Hold)Left Ctrl
Tactical AbilityQ
Ultimate AbilityZ
Interact / PickupE
Toggle Fire ModeB
Aim Down Sight (Toggle)Not Bound
Aim Down Sight (Hold)Right Click
Cycle WeaponMouse Wheel
Equip Weapon 11
Equip Weapon 22
Holster Weapon3
Equip GrenadeG
Gibraltar Shield ToggleH
Use Health Item4

NRG Nafen

SprintLeft Shift
JumpSpace Bar
Crouch (Toggle)CAPS
Crouch (Hold)Left SHIFT
Tactical AbilityQ
Ultimate AbilityZ
Interact / PickupE
Toggle Fire ModeN
Aim Down Sight (Toggle)Not Bound
Aim Down Sight (Hold)Right Click
Cycle WeaponMouse Wheel
Equip Weapon 11
Equip Weapon 22
Holster Weapon3
Equip Grenade5
Gibraltar Shield ToggleH
Use Health Item4

These are some of the keybinds of pro players. However, keep in mind that pro players tend to experiment with their keybinds all the time to find the optimal settings. As such, visit their stream on Twitch to see more up-to-date settings.

Read More: Best Mouse Sensitivity Settings to Use in Apex Legends PC

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.