With the launch of the season 6 of Apex Legends, players have been complaining about how the devotion is just melting players all over the map.
After many player complaints, Respawn finally listened and announced a new patch that is supposed to fix the devotion and some other game-breaking bugs with Rampart that was causing a lot of random disconnects in the game.
- More Related: Respawn dev reveals the real reason why they brought the devotion back to the normal loot pool in Apex
The devotion fix:
Since the devotion was being spawned a little bit too generously along with the turbochargers, players were getting melted by the devotion all throughout the game. Furthermore, Rampart’s tactical “Amped Cover” gave those long devotion sprays some extra kick. As a result, most of the Apex Legends player base agreed that the devotion needs some kind of change immediately. Respawn finally obliged with a new hotfix to solve this new problem with the weapons in the game.
- Reduce Devotion damage [17 -> 16], and increases recoil – these are quick changes we can make now, more adjustments to Devotion that take more time to do will come later.
- Reduce the number of Devotions and Turbochargers spawned
- Reduced number of gold helms, gold backpacks, and gold incap shields
Rampart random disconnects:
Just right after players got a chance to play as Rampart, the Apex community immediately realized something was off with Rampart’s tactical which is “Amped Cover“. Apparently stacking more than one of Rampart’s tactical ability together throws a game logic error at players which results in an immediate disconnect from the servers.
Rampart related patch notes:
- Rampart Amped Wall client error in softened gore locales
- Fix a server error causing immediate disconnects when Rampart puts down a wall
- Fix an error caused in some instances where a player is on Rampart’s turret when it is destroyed
Other minor fixes:
- issue around specific Bloodhound skin getting a stretched neck while using Rampart turret. We are still working on this issue for Lifeline’s Guardian Angel skin
- Rampart’s “Boom” finisher line from playing across the map
- Kill stat tracking for R-99 not displaying properly
Developers at Respawn finally addressed all the major issues that were plaguing the game after the new season went live. The devotion fix and the disconnect issues were really messing with the player experience. Kudos to Respawn for coming up with a fix so soon.