Apex Legends Season 10 Arenas Flash Events: Starting and Ending Dates, Rewards, Prize Tracker, & More

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
Image via Shrugtal

The introduction of Arenas game mode in Apex Legends was a good move from Respawn since some players wanted to enjoy the gameplay loop without the hassle of looting like in a regular battle royale game.

Due to the massive success of the game mode, Respawn has doubled down on Arenas. As a result, the game received a dedicated ranked mode that is now live alongside the main battle royale portion of the game.

Also, similar to the main game mode, Respawn started to give Arenas its own dedicated, limited-time flash events featuring rewards. Just like any other limited-time event, the Arenas Flash Event has a prize tracker for tracking progress and completing daily challenges.

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Arenas Flash Events Season 10

The Arenas Flash event made its debut back in season 9. According to data miners, it will be an ongoing event, and more flash events are coming in the near future. As of writing, Shrugtal, who is a pretty reliable Apex Legends data miner, suggests that season 10 will feature three additional Arenas Flash events.

Arenas Flash Events Rewards

Arenas flash event rewards season 10
Image via Shrugtal
Arenas flash event rewards season 10
Image via Shrugtal

Based on the leak so far, the third event will feature a rare Volt and Caustic skin. The first two events will feature your run-of-the-mill crafting materials, stars, and Apex packs. Players can also earn a lot of XP to complete their seasonal battle passes by participating in daily challenges.

Arenas Flash Events Start and End Dates

The first Arenas flash event will go live on August 10, 2021, and will last around a week. The second one will start on August 24 and end on August 31. Finally, the last event will be live on September 7 and end on 14.

  • Arenas Flash Event #1: 10 Aug – 17 Aug
  • Arenas Flash Event #2: 24 Aug – 31 Aug
  • Arenas Flash Event #3: 7 Sept – 14 Sept

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Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.