Apex Legends Dev Hints at a Possible Hotfix to Seer and Rampage in Season 10

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
Image Credit Respawn

As we are at the tail end of season 9 of Apex Legends, Respawn has already showcased what they have in the works for the upcoming season 10.

Similar to every new season, a new legend called “Seer” will join the vibrant roster of characters in the Apex universe. Also, Respawn will be introducing a new LMG to the game called “Rampage.” Understandably, many players in the Apex Legends community are already concerned regarding both of these new additions to the game since even a slight over-tuning could cause havoc at launch.

And these concerns aren’t that unfounded, as in the previous season, the bow was launched slightly overturned, and similar things have happened in the past with new Legend releases as well. The main concern from the player base is that if they both release in a broken state, it might take Respawn a while to come up with a fix.

Read More: Apex Legends Season 10 Emergence Character Changes: Caustic Buff, Revenant Nerf, Horizon Buff, Fuse Buff, & More

Dev Responds to Concern over Overturned Releases

Apex s10 dev balance
Image via r/apexlegends

In a recent Reddit discussion thread, Apex Legends’ Live Balance Designer stated that they are well prepared to release a hotfix if both the new Legend Seer and the new LMG Rampage are broken upon release. Furthermore, players won’t have to wait until Respawn releases their usual mid-seasonal balancing patches to address any issue that could be solved with a simple hotfix.

Respawn was notorious for not adjusting fast enough to new weapons and characters following their release. However, it is quite different now that Respawn has gotten better at making quick changes based on community reactions to broken new mechanics.

Read More: Apex Legends Season 10 Emergence Weapon & Hop-up Changes: Care Package Spitfire, Disruptor Returns, Prowler Ground Loot, Boosted Loader Hop-up, & More

Based on the information Respawn has revealed so far regarding Seer and Rampage, they might release in a balanced state. Seems like we’ll find out on August 3, 2021, when the new season 10 Emergence launches.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.