A new leak just emerged that confirmed all the future characters in Apex Legends all the way up to season 13.
Recently one of the data miners in Apex Legends revealed a screenshot featuring the next seven Legends in the game. Even though the screenshot looks really pixelated, they still lineup to what some data miners are claiming.
The images in this context might be taken from some sort of early game testing facility at Respawn. Furthermore, it appears to be taken from some sort of handheld device like a smartphone in a dimly lit environment. Consequently, the resulting image came out to be quite blurry.
The next seven Legends:
All this began when some folks at ApexUncovered subreddit shared this exact screenshot claiming it to be real. Since these images were still not clear, many users rightly voiced their suspicion over the image being photoshopped. Later another user shared another screenshot that was slightly more clear than the last one.
Furthermore, Biast12 who is one of the most reliable Apex Legends data miners also confirmed these leaks. According to Biast12, the next seven agents are going to be:
S7: Valk
S8: Blisk
S9: Ash
S10: Horizon
S11: Fuse
S12: Firebug
S13: Husaria
As they are still leaks and in no way an official confirmation from Respawn Entertainment, take them with a grain of salt. Although multiple sources are now confirming these leaks to be real.