Riot has revealed the upcoming Wild Pass skin for patch 4.0, Super Villain Graves.
Patch 3.5 was the last major patch of 2022. That patch introduced many changes and additions to the Rift. Most notably, Riot revamped the entire jungle. Players can now share their blue and red buff after a specific time. Riot also introduced many more jungle changes, such as removing red smite and how junglers upgraded their smite.
As for cosmetics, Riot released many unique skins that patch. A notable one is the Chromacash skin line, a Wild Rift-exclusive skin line. Additionally, this skin line included three new skins: Chromacash Samira, Chromacash Ekko, and Chromacash Jinx.
Furthermore, in the Wild Pass of patch 3.5, Riot released a Wild Rift exclusive skin, Super Villain Jhin. This skin was the continuation of the Super Hero skins started by the Super Hero Jayce skin.
The Super Hero skins aren’t particularly new when it comes to League of Legends. We already have an alternative universe that contains Super Heroes and Super Villains called Silver Age.
This skin line includes Super Hero skins like Super Kennen, Super Teemo, Rocket Girl Tristana, and Super Villain skins like Infiltrator Irelia, Cryocore Brand, Bioforge Darius, Superb Villain Veigar, etc. Moreover, both the Super Villain Jhin and Super Hero Jayce are part of the Silver Age skin line.
In the recent preview for Wild Rift patch 4.0, Riot has unveiled that they would be continuing the Super Hero skin line with the release of Super Villain Graves skin. As this skin is the 3rd consecutive Super Hero themed skin, it is unlikely that Riot will stop soon.
Read more: Mythmaker Gwen Legendary Skin.
Super Villain Graves
Splash Art

Super Villain Graves Price
This skin will be a part of patch 4.0’s Premium Wild Pass. So to obtain this skin, you have to spend 590 Wild Cores.
Release Date
Super Villain Graves will debut in the upcoming patch 4.0. Furthermore, it is scheduled to be released on Jan 12, 2023.