The VALORANT community has just started a new petition. And the purpose of the whole petition is to make Riot add a custom equip animation for a certain gun.
Basically, players want Riot to add some sort of new equip animation for the Sheriff that resembles the action sequences of the old Cowboy movies. As the Sheriff is heavily modeled after a revolver, most players agree the animation should fit the weapon archetype.
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Most of the weapons in VALORANT heavily resembles their counterpart in CSGO. Although Riot did change some things slightly to make each gun more unique and not just a copy cat.

Sheriff spinning animation
Riot already has different equip animation for certain premium weapon skins in the game. Currently, players are asking Riot to give the Sheriff some love and add some extra handling animation for Sheriff.
Riot’s response
Players reached out to many developers on different social media platforms to ask them if such an addition is even possible or are they already working on it. In reply, Riot devs claim their animator is currently unavailable.
As their premium content team is actually pretty small, they won’t even be able to add new animated skins for awhile. Until they add more artists to their content team such addition to the game is not possible according to Riot Games. However, they didn’t completely dismiss the idea.
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In the future, this might be added to the game. Right now, Riot still has a lot of underlying problems to deal with going into 2021.