VALORANT’s latest skin bundle has been revealed. According to the initial reports, the bundle is called “Orion.”
Riot Games releases brand-new skin bundles with almost every new patch. These unique sets of skin collections give players a sense of variety in the game. Moreover, every skin bundle comes with a different scheme. As a result, players have a lot of options to choose from.
Since VALORANT’s release, the game has seen dozens of skin bundles released. Each of these bundles has unique designs, features, and characteristics that cater to different types of player bases.
The latest skin bundle VALORANT released was called Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 in the 7.07 patch. However, for the upcoming patch, VALORANT will introduce something completely new.
Read More: VALORANT Gaia’s Vengeance 2.0 Skin Bundle
Orion Skin Bundle First Look
The upcoming skin bundle has a somewhat cartoonish appearance with Gundam-like characteristics. Some fans even claim that the bundle was created specifically for Cypher because the collection corresponds to Cypher’s theme.
The community has mixed feelings about the bundle, but because it will be a Deluxe Edition skin bundle, the overall response has been positive so far. Furthermore, the bundle will include both Phantom and Vandal, which is a rare sight nowadays.

Available for
- Frenzy
- Phantom
- Vandal
- Odin
- Orion Sword
Orion Bundle Price
The Orion skin bundle, according to the leaks, will be a Deluxe skin bundle. So, the bundle will reportedly cost 5100 VP, while the skins will cost 1275 VP each. And expect to pay 2550 VP for the melee.
Orion Skin Bundle Release Date
The Orion skin bundle will go live on October 17, 2023.
Read More: New VALORANT Leak Suggests Minima 2.0 Bundle will Come to VALORANT Sometime Soon