VALORANT Horizon Skin Bundle: First Look, Price, Release Date, & More

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
2 Min Read
Image Credit: Valorant Leaks

A prominent data miner revealed the Horizon skin bundle that will launch in Episode 2 patch 2.01.

Out of the two skin bundles being released in VALORANT, the first skin line is called the Horizon skin bundle. As the name suggests, it will feature a sunny theme filled with vibrant effects. Based on all the leaks, this skin line is really similar to the previous Nebula skin collection that Riot released last year.

Unlike the Nebula bundle, which had a darker theme, this Horizon bundle will have a bright color scheme. And just like the Nebula collection, this new collection will also feature a randomly generated pattern.

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Horizon Skin Bundle First Look

The Horizon bundle will include weapon skins for the Bulldog, Frenzy, Bucky, Spectre, and Vandal. Unfortunately, the Horizon skin collection doesn’t feature any melee skin.

Horizon skin bundle
Image via Valorant Leaks

Horizon Skin Bundle Price

Being a Deluxe Edition skin bundle, the Horizon collection costs 4270 VP. If you want to get single weapon skins, you’ll have to spend 1275 VP for each one.

Horizon Skin Bundle Release Date

Horizon skin bundle releases on January 20, 2021, alongside patch 2.01.

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Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.