Riot Has Teased The Upcoming LoR Champion

Soumyo Deb
By Soumyo Deb
4 Min Read
Image Credits: Riot Games

Riot Games have teased the upcoming LoR or Legends of Runeterra champion in the most incredible way possible by making a bust sculpture of them.

In early April, we got ourselves the first Legends of Runeterra expansion of the year, Glory in Navori. Being the first expansion of the year, it also brought tons of wanted features to the game.

Firstly, this expansion added three new champions. They are Samira, Sett, and the second LoR-exclusive champion, Jack. Additionally, they also released the Dragonmancer skin line in this update. In terms of wanted features, Riot finally released rotation in LoR. It is a queue where mostly the newer cards can be played competitively.

Earlier this year, in the 2023 roadmap, they confirmed that after each significant expansion, there would be a patch called variety card set that aims to introduce new cards to spice up the meta. These cards aren’t dependent on a theme as expansion cards. So in patch 4.5.0, we received many new cards from various regions in Runeterra.

Since the next expansion is right around the corner, it is just when Riot starts teasing about it. They revealed that the next expansion would be named Heart of the Huntress. Moreover, Riot teased one of the upcoming champions in the most interesting way possible. They hired an artist to make a bust sculpture about it.

Read more: Legends of Runeterra Pride 2023 Rewards.

LoR Heart of the Huntress: Upcoming Champion

heart of the huntress
Image Credits: Cnotbusch

As stated earlier, Riot hired an artist to make a sculpture based on the upcoming Legends of Runeterra champion. As the sculpture is still in its early process, it looks unrecognizable. But it is still one of the coolest ways Riot has teased an upcoming character in one of their IPs.

legends of runeterra Anura
Image Credits: Riot Games

Besides that, Riot has officially teased two images. In the first image, we can see a new character. While it is unlikely that the focused character is a champion, there is someone around the corner that League of Legends fans would recognize. That character on the right is Neeko.

Not only that, in the bottom left side of the image, we can see Milio’s fuemigos. Milio is the last champion released in League of Legends. And he has pets known as fuemigos.

So from that image, we can expect that Neeko and Milio might be two of the upcoming champions.

upcoming champion tease
Image Credits: Riot Games

The second image is more vague than the first one. But from what we can gather, this image might be teasing Nidalee. Some people are going as far as saying that this image is teasing the upcoming League of Legends champion Naafiri. It would be fantastic if Naafiri debuted in both Legends of Runeterra and League of Legends, but it is very unlikely.

Release Date

The Heart of the Huntress expansion will be released on 28 June 2023. So we can expect all new champions to release then.

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By Soumyo Deb League of Legends Writer
Soumyo Deb is a League of Legends writer at GameRiv and a dedicated Jungle Main. When he is not writing about the latest League news, he is testing out various off-meta champions in the jungle.