Team Liquid and Team BDS become the first two teams to be eliminated from the Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage.
Day five of the League of Legends World Championship 2023 Swiss Stage has just concluded. In today’s matches, we got to see four of the 0-2 teams, TL, GAM, DK, and BDS, fight for their tournament survival and get a chance to advance to the Round Four of the Swiss Stage.
In the first series of the day, the VCS representative GAM Esports managed to secure a closer 2-1 victory against the LCS third seed Team Liquid, while in the second series, Dplus Kia achieved a quick 2-0 victory versus the LEC fourth seed Team BDS. As a result, Team Liquid and Team BDS became the first two teams to be eliminated from the Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage.
With that said, let’s delve in a little further and break down both these series.
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Team Liquid Honda vs GAM Esports
The LCS third seed, Team Liquid, had a pretty tough time in Worlds 2023. Their first match was against the LCK powerhouse T1, which they managed to hold their own against in the early to mid-game but faltered when it came to team fighting. Their second match against the LCS first seed was yet another unfortunate defeat.
After going 0-2, today’s series was the last chance for the LCS third seed. They were up against the VCS’s first seed, GAM Esports, who managed to beat Team Whales to advance through the Play-In stage.
Team Liquid vs GAM Esports was a back-and-forth series, with both teams evenly matched. But ultimately, GAM Esports managed to win the series 2-1, thanks to their superior mid-late game macro. Leading to Team Liquid Honda being eliminated from Worlds 2023.

Dplus Kia vs Team BDS
In the second series of Day 5 of the Swiss Stage, we have Dplus Kia versus Team BDS.
The fourth seed of LCK, Dplus Kia, was one of the Dark Horses of the tournament. But after some unfortunate defeats, they are now in the elimination bracket, fighting for their spot at Worlds. On the other hand, we have Team BDS, a relatively inexperienced team.
They managed to claw their way from the Play-In stage by reverse-sweeping the PCS representative PSG Talon. Similar to Dplus Kia, they are also fighting for their spot at Worlds.
Unfortunately for LEC fans, today’s match was a one-sided stomp. Dplus Kia managed to edge out in every stage versus Team BDS, leading to a swift 2-0 victory.

Thus concluding Day Five of the Worlds 2023 Swiss Stage.
That said, we have some fantastic matches to look forward to for Round 4 of the Swiss Stage. Among these matches, KT vs. LNG, T1 vs. BLG, and C9 vs. FNC should be the most exciting matchups.