Starfield: All Armor Mods (Helmet, Spacesuit, and Pack)

Abu Taher Tamim
By Abu Taher Tamim
7 Min Read

Everything you need to know about all armor mods in Starfield, from helmet, to spacesuit and to pack. You will know about all armor mods.

With the highly anticipated release of Bethesda’s new open-world RPG Starfield, players are eager to learn all they can about modding their equipment for adventure amongst the stars. One key area of customization will be armor mods, which allow you to enhance your helmet, spacesuit, and pack.

Armor mods are enhancements that you can apply to your helmet, spacesuit, and packs for bonuses and effects. These bonuses and effects gives you a better survival rate in the hazards in Starfield. This article will provide a guide on the all armor mods in Starfield.

All Armor Mods in Starfield

From your helmet to spacesuit, pack, and boost pack, installing mods enhances your gear’s capabilities.

Helmet Mods

Helmet Slot 1 Mods List:

Helmet Slot 1 ModMaterialsEffects
Ballistic Shielding (Helmet)• Cosmetic x1
• Nickel x1
• Makes you tougher against damage.
EM Shielding (Helmet)• Copper x1
• Cosmetic x1
• Tungsten x2
• Shields you from electromagnetic effects.
Energy Shielding (Helmet)• Cosmetic x1
• Polymer x1
• Tungsten x2
• Strengthens your defense against energy-based threats.

Helmet Slot 2 Mods List:

Helmet Slot 2 ModMaterialsEffects
Explosive Shielding (Helmet)• Titanium x1
• Sterile Nanotubes x1
• Adhesive x2
• Lowers the harm caused by explosives.
Sensor Array• Positron Battery x1
• Zero Wire x1
• Adhesive x2
• Expands the range at which you can detect enemies on the compass.

Helmet Slot 3 Mods List:

Helmet Slot 3 ModMaterialsEffects
Heavy Shielding (Helmet)• Tungsten x1
• Adhesive x1
• Polymer x1
• High-Tensile Spidroin x1
• Improves your overall ability to withstand damage.

Helmet Slot 4 Mods List:

Helmet Slot 4 ModMaterialsEffects
Gravitic Composites (Helmet)• Microsecond Regulator x1
• Adhesive x2
• Caelumite x3
• Makes it harder for enemies to spot you.

Spacesuit Mods

Spacesuit Slot 1 Mods List:

Spacesuit Slot 1 ModMaterialsEffects
Ballistic Shielding (Spacesuit)• Cosmetic x1
• Fiber x2
• Makes you tougher against all kinds of damage.
EM Shielding (Spacesuit)• Cosmetic x2
• Copper x2
• Polytextile x3
• Shields you from electromagnetic effects.
Energy Shielding (Spacesuit)• Polymer x2
• Adhesive x2
• Polytextile x3
• Bolsters your defense against energy-based attacks.

Spacesuit Slot 2 Mods List:

Spacesuit Slot 2 ModMaterialsEffects
Explosive Shielding (Spacesuit)• Adhesive x2
• Titanium x2
• Sterile Nanotubes x2
• Decreases the harm caused by explosives.
Optimized Servos• Positron Battery x2
• Microsecond • Regulator x1
• Lowers the amount of oxygen you use when sprinting.

Spacesuit Slot 3 Mods List:

Spacesuit Slot 3 ModMaterialsEffects
Exo Servos• Positron Battery x1
• Semimetal Wafer x2
• Titanium x3
• Makes your melee attacks stronger.
Heavy Shielding (Spacesuit)• Polymer x1
• Tungsten x2
• Adhesive x2
• High-Tensile Spidroin x2
• Boosts your ability to withstand all types of damage.

Spacesuit Slot 4 Mods List:

Spacesuit Slot 4 ModMaterialsEffects
Gravitic Composites (Spacesuit)• Fiber x1
• Sealant x1
• Caelumite x3
• Makes it harder for enemies to spot you.
Pocketed• Adhesive x1
• Polytextile x1
• Sealant x2
• Lets you carry more stuff.

Pack Mods

Pack Slot 1 Mods List:

Pack Slot 1 ModMaterialsEffects
Extra Capacity• Sealant x2
• Aluminum x3
• Polymer x3
• Raises how much you can carry by 10 kilograms.
Hazard Protection• Isotopic Coolant x1
• Molecular Sieve x1
• Lead x2
• Biosuppressant x2
• Boosts your protection against Airborne, Thermal, Corrosive, and Radiation dangers.
Oxygen Reserve• Sealant x1
• Aluminum x1
• Increases your oxygen capacity by 10%.

Pack Slot 2 Mods List:

Pack Slot 2 ModMaterialsEffects
Emergency Aid• Trauma Pack x2
• Heart+ x2
• Sedative x3
• Gives you a health boost when you’re running low, but takes a little time to be ready again.
Medic• Med Pack x2
• Analgesic x2
• Makes healing items work better, making you recover faster and gain extra health.
Regeneration• Positron Battery x1
• Emergency Kit x2
• Amino Acids x3
• Hypercatalyst x3
• Naturally regains health when you’re not in a fight.

Boost Pack Mods:

Boost Pack ModMaterialsEffects
Balanced Boostpack• Zero Wire x1
• Zero-G Gimbal x1
• Microsecond • Regulator x1
• Monopropellant x2
• Provides a steady and balanced power output.
Basic Boostpack• Monopropellant x1
• Beryllium x2
• A basic boost pack.
Power Boostpack• Tau Grade Rheostat x1
• Zero-G Gimbal x1
• Beryllium x3
• Monopropellant x3
• More powerful boost pack designed for maneuvering in high-gravity areas.
Skip Capacity Boostpack• Zero-G Gimbal x1
• Beryllium x2
• Monopropellant x2
• Boost pack with short bursts of intense power, sacrificing height for increased mobility.

How to Get Armor Mods

Here is a step-by-step guide on acquiring armor mods in Starfield:

  • Craft mods using a Spacesuit Workbench. Navigate to the mod slot menu and browse available options. You also need resources and materials to craft.
  • Invest perk points into Research Methods and Spacesuit Design skills. This will reduce crafting costs and unlock new mod recipes.
  • Loot mods from containers and caches found while exploring planets and derelict spacecraft. Valuable mods can be obtained this way.
  • Purchase mods from weapon and armor vendors that you encounter in cities and settlements. They will offer many mods for sale.
  • Complete quests and missions to earn mod rewards. Certain major quest chains grant powerful legendary mods upon completion.

Analyze unknown mods at a workbench to learn their attributes.

How to Modify Armors

Spacesuit Workbench in Starfield
Credit: Starfield

Here is a step-by-step guide on installing armor mods:

  • Go to a Spacesuit Workbench located on your ship or in settlements.
  • Select the armor piece you want to modify – Spacesuit, Helmet, Pack.
  • Choose an empty mod slot on that armor piece and pick the mod you want to install.
  • Confirm installation. This will consume mod resources and materials.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 to fill all empty mod slots on each armor piece. You can overwrite an existing mod with a new one.
  • Test your upgraded equipment. The mod bonuses will now apply when wearing that armor.
  • Manage your installed mods whenever needed. You can remove mods and install new ones.

I hope you know have an idea on how to get armor mods and how to modify armors. Also, I explained everything about the all armor mods (Helmet Mods, Spacesuit Mods, and Pack Mods) in Starfield.

By Abu Taher Tamim Staff Writer
Abu Taher Tamim is a Staff Writer at GameRiv. He started playing video games when one of his uncles brought him a PS1, after it was launched. Since that day until now, he still play video games. As he loves video games so much, he became a gaming content writer.