Respawn’s principal writer revealed Forge’s new name in Apex Legends

Nafiu Aziz
By Nafiu Aziz
3 Min Read
Image Credit: Respawn

Forge was hyped up to be the new Legends in Apex’s season 4 that was supposed to shack up the game.

As it turns out, it was all a ruse, and Forge was never intended to be the new legend for the season 4. In a shocking twist, Respawn introduced Revenant as their new legend for season 4. Although there are many players who still think that Forge might make a comeback from the dead to join the Apex games.

However, writers at Respawn denied that theory altogether. But some still hope that one day Forge might return to Apex with a fully modified body just like Revenant and may be sponsored by Hammond robotics.

Forges new name revealed

Manny Hagopian, the principal writer at Respawn just revealed Forge’s new name. It is called “Red Herring“. Although the definition of the term literally refers to misleading or distracting readers from a relevant or important question.

Now Apex fan base is debating whether or not Respawn is just messing with them or is actually giving hints for a possible future event. Since Respawn already bamboozled us with introducing Forge as the new playable legends and then killing him off in a dramatic fashion.

Apex Legends Forge new name
Image via Respawn

It really wouldn’t be such a big surprise if Respawn actually includes Forge into the game as a boss for the quests or events. The whole Apex community will definitely love it if Forge can somehow make an appearance once more. However, writers at Respawn did admit many times that Forge is actually dead.

On that note, can Forge really come back from the death featuring some kind of tech Revenant uses? While all of it is pure speculation as of now, the new name hints are either a ruse just like the last one or maybe there is more to this than meets the eye.

Nafiu Aziz is an avid gamer and a writer at GameRiv, covering Apex Legends, CS:GO, VALORANT, and plenty of other popular FPS titles in between. He scours the internet daily to get the latest scoop in esports.