Final Fantasy 16: How to Reach Clive’s Level Cap Fast

Tanim Hasan
By Tanim Hasan
3 Min Read
Credit: Square Enix

Final Fantasy 16 focuses on one character, and if you are grinding, you will eventually reach the level cap. Here is how you can reach Clive’s level cap fast in the game.

Final Fantasy is a long-running franchise loved by many. This one being the 16th mainline game in the franchise, has seen many changes from its predecessors. But by far, the most significant change is in its combat system. Instead of managing and playing with a whole party of playable characters, this game focuses on Clive, this game’s MC.

As you play through the game, Clive will step on new levels. And since you are playing a single character for the whole story, you may want to hit the level cap the game offers. Here we will discuss the different level caps Final Fantasy 16 offers and how to reach them first.

Read More: Final Fantasy 16: Best Ways To Level Up Fast

Level Cap for Final Fantasy 16

There are two distinct level caps in Final Fantasy 16. If you are playing through the game for the first time, Clive’s level cap will be at level 50. Clive starts the game at level 10, and when you take control of him in his younger days, he is on level 5.

That is not all, as there is another level cap in the game. Once you finish the game, you will unlock the Final Fantasy mode. This is essentially a New Game+ for this game. Here the level cap again increases to level 100, giving you a lot more room to level up this time.

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Credit: Square Enix

Leveling Up Fast to Hit the Level Cap

Since your character starts at level 10 and 50 is the cap, it may look like you don’t need to work too much to hit the level cap of 50. But as you level up, the exp requirement starts rising a lot, making it impossible to hit the level cap just by playing through the main quests.

We already have a level-up guide to help the players reach the max level faster. You can read all about it here.

And that is all I had for the max level cap of Final Fantasy 16. Check out our other cooked items:

By Tanim Hasan Guide Writer
Tanim Hasan is a Guide Writer at GameRiv working on various games which consists of mostly new releases. His favourite genre is Hack and Slash, and Souls Like. But he is open to play any game regardless of the genre. So he has experience with most genres of games.