All Main Quests: Final Fantasy 16 (FF16)

Abu Bakar Karim
By Abu Bakar Karim
6 Min Read
All Main Quests: Final Fantasy 16 (FF16)

Learn about all the main quests in Final Fantasy 16.

The latest installment of one of the longest-running JRPGs, the mighty Final Fantasy, is on the market right now. Devs, again, have developed an extensive world of Valisthea. In Final Fantasy 16, a total of Six countries conveniently make up the world of Valisthea because anything less would have been overly simplistic for this franchise.

Here, in Final Fantasy 16, you will be taking the leading role of Clive Rosfield, Valisthea’s burdened retribution-seeking chosen one. He will have his youngling, Joshua Rosfield, as one of his dependable sidekicks. Together, they will seek revenge for their father’s death in this so-called utopia.

Now, talking about the main storyline in Final Fantasy 16, the quests are full of action-packed battles and dramatic story moments. A total of 49 main story sequence is divided into different phases of Clive. Means, you will be growing up with him and, in the meantime, exploring Valisthea and slaying some foes on the way. In this guide, we will be giving you an overview of these main sequences. Hop in!

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All Main Quests in FF16

Prologue Quests (Young Clive)

Quest NumberQuest NameEikon UnlockMain Enemies
1A Flamed Summoned
2To Kill a Dominant
4Sunrise, SunsetPhoenix
5Lost in a FogGigas, Morbol
6Flight of a FledglingEikon of FireKnight of the Blinding Dawn, Eikon of Fire

First Act Quests (Adult Clive)

Quest NumberQuest NameEikon UnlockMain Enemies
7A Chance EncounterShivaShiva’s Dominant, Tiamat
8Hide, Hideaway
9Fanning EmbersDragon Aevis, Fafnir, Midnight Raven
10Louder than WordsChirada
11The Dead of Night
12HeadwindBenedikta, Suparna and Chirada
13Wings of ChangeGaruda
15The Wages of Guilt
16The Hunter and the HuntedKnight of the Dying Sun
17.1Building Bridges
17.2A Bearer’s Lot
18Holding On
18.1Back in the Day
19Buried MemoriesIron Giant, Infernal Eikon, Infernal Shadow
20The Meaning of LifeIfritImperial Champion
21Righting Wrongs

Second Act Quests

Quest NumberQuest NameEikon UnlockMain Enemies
22The Crystal’s CurseImperial Cannonier, Akashic Dragon, Typhon
23Cid the OutlawRamuhRepublican War Panther
24Home, Sweet Home
25The Gathering Storm
25.1Dark Clouds Gather
27Black Light Burns
27.1Black or WhiteKnight of the Lasting Dark
28Here Be Monsters
29Fire and IceAkashic Morbol, Flame Lizard, Liquid Flame
30After the Storm
31Capital PunishmentCoeurl, Hugo
32Bolts from the BlueTitan
32.1Getting to Work
33Riddle of the Sands
33.1Follow the Crystals
34Into the DarknessOrcish Warlord, Undertaker, Titan
35Out of the Shadow
35.1Letting Off Steam I
35.2Letting Off Steam II
35.3Letting Off Steam III
36.1To Catch a Thief
36.2Blood from the Stones
37Fire in the SkyBahamutWhite Dragon, Necrophobe, Bahamut
38Things Fall Apart
38.1Why We Fight
38.2The Flames of War
38.3Down the Rabbit Hole
39Cloak and Dagger
41A Song of Hope
41.1Like Father, Like Daughter
42Full Steam
43Through the MaelstromShivaBarnabas (First Encounter)
44Across the Narrow
45Footfalls in Ash
46The Last KingOdinControl Node, Aurum Giant, Barnabas (Second Encounter)

Final Act Quests

Quest NumberQuest NameEikon UnlockMain Enemies
48Streets of MadnessBehemoth, Ultima (First Encounter)
49Back to Their Origin
49.1Of Gods and MenUltimalius

And that is all I had for the Main quests of Final Fantasy 16. Check out our other cooked items:

By Abu Bakar Karim Deputy Guide Editor
AB Karim is the Deputy Editor of the Guide section at GameRiv. With an insatiable love for RPGs and a knack for puns, AB combines his passion for gaming with a professional touch. He has to polish every word with precision; otherwise, he will keep losing health bar. Keep that aside for now, and let's embark on epic quests and unravel mysteries with AB as your trusted guide. Prosst!